Poem 77: Not So Happy Ending

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Written last 21st of January this year.
Unedited po ito kaya
Enjoy reading. ☺

Not So Happy Ending
By: DarkChocoLove

Home alone with my companions: myself and my shadow,
Stuck in the moment while listening to the radio...
Playing the music we once composed,
Playing the music we once shared.

Vivid images of you appear in my mind,
Floods of emotions fill my heart;
Reminiscing the golden days both you and I once had,
That golden era I thought that will last.

Never thought that I'll be alone after all the obstacles we've come to pass;
Never thought that you'll let go and leave me alone in the bend,
Holding on to the stories we wrote
Stories that soon will come to end.

DCL's Poem CompilationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon