Poem 13: Love is...

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Love is an abstract noun that makes the world go round;
It binds everyone despite the color, the culture and the tribe
Love is a scent, so sweet and heavenly
'Tis spreads wonderful melody wherever it flees.

Love is affection, a strong feeling towards somebody,
A romantic feeling which caused every human being to lose their heads
Some said that love is a drug,
Sometimes helpful yet too much doze will put you to grave.

It is love when someone wish to die;
For the one he loves he'll sacrifice his life
With no hesitation and a gift in return, he'll offer a favor
Even if she'll refuse and pushes him away, he'll stay and keep on serving.

It is Love when time freezes and all are in slow motion every time you see him;
And when your skin touches, electricity ignites;
Butterflies will  fly wildly inside you're belly.
And whenever you talk about him, you can't stop your self from squealing.

Love is patient, Love is kind
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud;
It is not rude, it is no self seeking;
It is not easily angered and it keeps no records of wrongs.

Love is when you sacrifice you're own happiness for one's sake,
Love always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.
With a pinch of this, one will surely survive,
For with love everyone shan't die.

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