Poem 12: Mama

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Her once ebony hair is now turning into silver,
As the calendar turns its pages, she too ages;
But even if her years iterates,
Time can't change the beauty she posses.

Her eyes glazes like millions and billions of stars in the galaxy,
Her skin so flawless, so soft, so fair;
Her nose, not so pointed yet it's perfectly molded;
I really can't contain myself, my heart was captivated by her beauty.

Her laugh chills me to the marrow of my bones,
Her voice so sweet and so loud which calms my soul;
A simple and a charming lady, indeed.
Many tries to excel her but they never succeed.

Every time she speaks, her words never fail to amaze me,
A lady of wisdom, what can I say?
Her maturity and strong will ignites the fire of my weary soul;
Every time I lay my eyes on her, I can do nothing but to adore.

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