Poem 65: A Blackjack's Love

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A Blackjack's Love
(Tribute to 2ne1)

You've set my heart on fire, the moment our path crossed,
You might be weird sometimes but I fall in love with your quirkiness,
Your diversity drawn me closer to you;
I may not understand your language but your songs are enough to bring me your great love,
I can't get enough of your music that I listen to them every now and then,
I love you to the point that it hurts everytime I hear them mocking you,
Some of them said your ugly... then why can't I found a flaw?
Maybe, they're just blind 'coz they can't see the great personality you posses,
Maybe, They're just deaf  'coz they can't hear your breath taking performances
Or worse they've been eaten alive by a parasite called insecurity,
But I don't mind them 'coz I know you're better than they say.

Since my youthful days I look up to you, my role models,
Your words of wisdoms and good actions inspire me to live happily everyday,
Your voices, so powerful yet comforting are enough to free me from pain,
Your songs, I always listen to, lighten my shoulder and relaxing my worn out mind and soul.
It broke my heart when you parted ways but I'm glad that your bond never breaks.
You'll always be here in my heart wherever you go.
No matter what they say, I'll always here for you,
Praying for your safety and wishing you all the things you deserve,
You may not notice me but I'm still glad that I found you,
The four of you, My Queens, Forever and Always.

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