Poem 44: Hidden Desire

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It's been gloomy since the day you left, There ain't more sweet melodies in the air...
There ain't sweet smiles of you everywhere...
There's only melancholic tone in this place.

I never imagine that I'll miss you like this...
That I will long for your sweet kisses
And much to my desire, in my dreams, I see you...
It just hurts that I was left behind, Alone and wishing that someday there'll be me and you.

Everyday, I'm wishing that the day would come when I can lay my eyes on you once again...
That you'll feel uneasy whenever I'm out of your sight;
I keep on praying that someday you'll be needing me,
Not just your friend but someone who is dear to you.

Whenever you're with her..
Jealousy devours my heart...
I admit, I'm wishing that it is I who dry your tears when you cry...
I'm wishing that it's me, the reason behind your smiles.

It might be too much...
To dream to be your lady...
To ask the galaxy for your love...
And to expect that you'll love me in return.

If what I'm feeling for you is love,
Then forgive me my dear
For I am only a mortal who hopelessly fell in love with you.

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