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"Did you sign the papers yet?" Quinn asked weakly as she looked at the papers in Puck's hand. She carefully got up from her hospital bed. Slowly, she made her way to Puck and looked at his face.

"No." Puck answered as he looked at her. "I can't, Quinn."

"You have to." Quinn said softly. "We can never give her the life she deserves."

"We can try." Puck replied.

"And then dump her somewhere else when it gets too hard?" Quinn choked out. "Or when you give up on family?"

Puck shook his head. "You can sign your rights away, but I can't. This is my daughter and I'm not abandoning her."

"What about me?" Quinn folded her arms as her eyes filled with tears. "We talked about this. You said you respected my decision."

"I do respect it." Puck stated. "But I don't have to agree with it. I'm keeping her and I'll raise her myself if you don't wanna be a part of this."

"She's gonna hate me for being so selfish." Quinn sobbed.

"I'll explain everything to her when she's old enough to understand." Puck promised as he took Quinn's shaking hands. "She'll know how much you love her and how much you sacrificed to bring her into this world."

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