Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep!

I wake up suddenly and groan, recognizing the beeps as my alarm going off. I slowly pull my arm out from my warm comforter to turn it off, and then proceed to lift my phone up to search for notifications, only to find it blank. I crash my head back down on my pillow, suffocating myself in the process. I count down from 3 before I force my legs to lift me out of my bed. I stumble to the bathroom, where I quickly brush my teeth and check my hair- which looks the same as it always does. My long dark brown hair matches perfectly with my dark brown eyes, and I let it fall in natural waves over my shoulders.

I make my way back to my bedroom, still not completely used to the layout of my new house, even after living here for two months already when my dad's new job forced us to move from California to Pennsylvania. I had to leave all my friends behind and today is the day I've been dreading all summer. It's the first day of school and for me that means starting my junior year at a new high school where I'm a nobody. Now, I'm not saying I was popular at school back home, but at least people knew my name and I had a group of friends.

I push those thoughts out of my head and start to get dressed. I decide on black skinny jeans, a grey shirt and a red flannel. I choose my oldest, yet comfiest, pair of converse, grab my backpack and phone and start walking towards the kitchen. I find my mom at the stove, flipping a batch of pancakes. It immediately reminds me of Ashton and makes me miss home even more. My mom turns around and notices me standing there.

"Oh hi honey! I made pancakes, take as many as you want.", she says, making me smile at her enthusiasm.  "Thanks Mom, you're the best.", I reply, still smiling. I grab a plate and two pancakes and then pull out a stool at the counter. I cut my pancakes into smaller pieces and pour syrup over them.

My plate is almost finished when my 12 year old brother, Carter, comes downstairs, sees breakfast and literally jumps for joy at the sight. And when I say 'jump', I mean literally jump. Carter's the kind of kid to get excited over the smallest things, whereas it takes longer for me to show emotion over something. He chooses to eat his pancakes whole and I roll my eyes while watching him.

"Carter, why don't you sit down and try not to eat like a caveman for once?", I tell him, attempting to use my authority as his big sister. He's just opening his mouth to respond, when I hear my dad walk into the kitchen behind us. He's still tying his tie, but has enough focus to look at both of us sternly before saying, "That's enough you two. Now grab your bags and get in the car before we're all late." I sigh and bang my head against the counter, hoping if I hit it hard enough, I'll wake up from this nightmare. My mom comes over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Piper, it's not that bad. Now come on, your father's waiting", she manages to get out between laughs. I guess I probably do look pretty stupid like this.

15 minutes later and we're in my dad's SUV parked outside my new school. I breathe in deeply and open my door, turning back to wave goodbye to my dad and to wish Carter good luck at his school. He's only in 7th grade, so he's still young enough to go to the middle school a few blocks away. I walk in the school's main doors and attempt to take my schedule and map out of my backpack. I can't find my papers so I pull my bag to the side to do a more proper search and-

"OW!", my hand goes to my forehead right away as I realize I just walked into a trophy case. 'Good one Piper', I say to myself, praying no one saw me. I start to stand up and brush myself off when I hear laughter behind me. I clamp my eyes shut and turn around slowly. A group of guys walk past me, still laughing and snickering to each other. My eyes dart immediately to the one in the front. He's tall, with curly brown hair and from what I can see, green eyes. He's wearing black skinny jeans, like me, but the only difference is his are probably 3 times smaller. He added a plain white shirt and some all black high tops to his outfit. As much as I hate how he's looking at me, his mouth still open from laughing, he sure is attractive. And I don't mean a 'oh he's cute' kind of attractive, I mean a 'OH HE'S CUTE'  kind of attractive.

When I realize I'm staring, I move my eyes down to instead stare at my feet. The curly haired boy turns behind him to speak to a shorter boy with shaggy light brown hair. If I'm being completely honest here, he looks like he literally just got out of bed and came straight to school. Half of me is surprised he isn't wearing pyjamas. The curly haired boy turns to me again and says, "That was smooth, but maybe next time you should go around the cabinet". The other guys laugh and my face reddens even more.

Once they're gone, I bend down to pick up my backpack and hold my map out in front of me. I find my first class with ease, and pick a seat in the corner. As the other students walk in I get stares from each and everyone one of them, from the cheerleaders to the nerds. I try to ignore them by pulling out my phone instead, only to find a text from Maddie.

Bestfriend: School just started and it's so boring without you. We all miss you so much

I go to reply to her when the teacher begins the class, so I slide lower in my chair and start thinking of ways to get through the next hour.

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