Chapter 46

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Harry's POV

I walk up the driveway to Stacy's house with Jack and Amber beside me. Woah. 

Stacy's house is in the same subdivision as mine, but you can tell it's recently been remodelled. A lot. The trim around all the windows is a fresh white, the shutters and doors are brand new, and the concrete driveway has been redone, all former cracks and chips invisible.

I spot a group of kids by a small patch of greenery smoking pot, and I wrinkle my nose at the smell. You would think such a powerful drug would have a dirty smelling odour, but instead it has a dizzying sweetness to it.

I can hear hoots and hollers coming from beyond the fence line, and as we approach the front door, I see a ping pong table with a large crowd gathered around. Somebody throws something and then downs a plastic cup of some unknown liquid, so I assume they're playing beer ping pong.

Inside the house, we split up. Amber walks off to socialize with some girls in the living room, whereas Jack and I stick together, spotting our other friends Will and Garrett loitering in the hallway.

"Hey, if it isn't the two Romeos." Will greets us, fist bumping Jack first, and then I.

"Long time no see." Garrett flashes his signature grin, making him very popular around the girls in our school.

"Hi guys." I laugh, peeking into Will's cup.

He shrugs. "I don't know what's in here, but it tastes fantastic." His eyes roll slightly and Jack and I exchange a look. You can tell he's already drunk, which must be a record seeing as the party started only 15 minutes ago.

"So, what have you two been up to? Busy with the girlfriends, huh?" Garrett teases, taking a sip of his own drink.

"See, that's why I don't commit to anything.", Will slurs, "You lose control over yourself, they're always telling you to do this or to do that. Screw that. I'm a one girl, one night kinda guy." He swallows the rest of his drink and then exhales loudly, a goofy grin on his face.

I look over at Jack who rolls his eyes and gestures with his head behind us, secretly telling me it's time to move on. I agree, Will's a good guy, but he gets a bit obnoxious when he's had a lot to drink.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go get a drink. See you guys in a little bit." I say, turning around and walking into the living room.

"Bye, Harry." Will calls after me, trying to impersonate a girl's voice, and then I hear him collapse into fit of hysterical giggles.

I search for Amber, mistaking her blonde hair for a few other girls before spotting her at a small card table, plastic shot glasses in her hand.

I nudge Jack and he follows me over to her.

"Hi." She waves excitedly at us as we close the distance. "They're having a contest of who can hold in the most amount of shots, Harry you should join." She suggests, handing me a dixie cup.

The large crowd erupts into cheers, and I shrug, giddy from all the sudden attention.

It looks as if my competition is some girl who's a senior. Of course the seniors are here, Stacy's friends with everybody.

I shake hands with the girl to show good sportsmanship, and then Amber shouts for us to begin.

She hands me shot glass after shot glass, and about 6 in I feel my throat begin to burn from all the vodka. I force the 9th one down, but wave Amber away when she tries to hand me another one. My competitor was able to take 11 shots and is immediately lifted up onto a quarterback's shoulders. She fist pumps in triumph and the boy begins to carry her throughout the house on her victory lap.

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