Chapter 49

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I unzip my backpack, resting it on my knee as I pull out books from my morning classes. I shove them carelessly onto the top shelf of my locker, not caring about ripping any pages. The school owns them and they're going to some other student in 7 months, anyway.

Harry is standing beside me, scrolling through his phone.

"I just have to grab some textbooks for this afternoon, I'll meet you in the cafeteria?" I ask, reaching for a notebook.

"Okay." He mumbles and leans down to give me a kiss. He seems normal again today, and for that I'm happy.

As Harry leaves, another body replaces his spot. I look up to see Claire, the girl I sat next beside to write my science exam. She leans on the locker next to mine and I smile, although unsure of why she's here.

"I'm glad you and Harry were able to work things out. You guys are so perfect together." Claire smiles, brushing a strand of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

Things not matching up in my head, I furrow my eyebrows questioningly.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I pull my backpack onto my shoulders, the straps hanging low.

"You didn't hear about what happened at Stacy's party?" Claire asks, shock written clearly over all her features.

"No?" I answer, the word coming out more as a question than a statement.

"Well everybody was out in the backyard playing beer ping pong, but it was starting to get cold so my friends and I went into the house just to warm up quickly. You know Emma and Brianna, right?" Claire gestures behind her to 2 girls chatting in the hallway.

I nod, I've seen them around.

"Okay, well anyways, the 3 of us were in the living room and Stacy's house is pretty big, so it's one of those where the kitchen and living room aren't connected by any walls, it's just one open space. So we had just come in from the backyard, when we see Stacy kissing someone. We knew it was her because she was wearing the least amount of clothing out of anyone there." Claire rolls her eyes.

"We couldn't see who the guy was, but then they moved their heads a-and it was Harry."

I feel my heart instantly drop. My lungs become temporarily stop working and I feel as if I'm going to pass out right then and there.

"Wh-what?" I croak, my vision making everything dizzy.

"It was definitely him. They were full on making out, there's no doubt about it. I'm so sorry Piper, I thought you knew." Her eyes are full of empathy and remorse, and I know she's being honest.

I feel a lump arise in my throat and I shake my head, wishing everything Claire just said wasn't true. But I know it is.

Tears cloud my vision and threaten to spill over, but I blink rapidly, forcing them away.

"I, I have to go. I'm sorry." I ramble, slamming my locker shut.


I look down to see a tiny bead of blood forming on my finger. It throbs instantly, and makes my tears form even faster. I look up to see where it got slammed in the catch on the locker door, only to be met with another spot of crimson blood.

I find Harry in the cafeteria, playing on his phone. I march over to his table in the back corner and angrily slam my hands down on top of it. I look him straight in the eyes, my brown ones boring into his green.

"You cheated on me?"

My voice comes out surprisingly even, and somewhere in the back of my mind I am triumphant.

He breaths in a sharp breathe of air and puts his phone down, screen facing up.

"Please let me explain." Harry says, never breaks eye contact with me.

"Fine, explain." I cross my arms over my chest, remaining uncharacteristically calm. Usually I would be hysterical, but I don't think the seriousness of the situation has quite sunk in yet. It's as if I'm in a dream.

"I had had a lot to drink, and I had a raging headache. I was in the kitchen trying not to be sick when Stacy came in. She was all over me, like usual, and she made some comments. She kissed me and I pulled back right away. And then I don't know what came over me, but I kis-" His voice cracks. "I kissed her back and we started making out. Amber walked in on us and that was it."

He stands out of his chair, and I can tell he wants to walk over to me, but he stays where he is.

"It didn't mean anything, I was drunk beyond belief. If I was sober of course it never would have happened. It didn't mean anything." He repeats, his eyes becoming shiny.

"Wait, Amber knew?" I ask, my heart falling even deeper.

Why wouldn't she tell me? She thought we were the cutest couple, all she did was try to get us together in the beginning.

"Um, yeah. She told me that no one saw me and Stacy, but I guess she was wrong. Who told you, anyway?" His voice grows small and child-like.

"Claire. She had the decency to tell me the truth, unlike my boyfriend and supposed "friend'." I shoot daggers at him with my eyes, similar to how I did the first day we met.

"I, I asked Amber to keep it a secret. You weren't supposed to find out." Harry mutters, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

My breathing increases and I feel my hands start to shake. The blood from my finger has gotten onto my sweater, but I don't care. It still throbs, but compared to my heart, the pain is nothing.

I look back up at Harry, only not seeing him. Instead, my eyes play tricks on me, and my imagination runs wild with the image of Stacy's mouth on his, her hands running wild through his hair, and his hands roaming over her body.

I shake my head and when my mind clears, it's Harry again. Only this time, he's Harry, the boy who cheated on me. Not Harry, the boy who only had eyes for me.

I swallow hard, turning around to leave. "I can't believe I trusted you." I mutter, not caring if he hears or not. I begin to walk away when he yells out "Wait!"

I turn back around, preparing myself for any bullshit excuses he might use. A tear runs down his cheek and he croaks, "I'm sorry."

I choke back a sob, feeling suddenly exhausted.

"Save it."

I freaking teared up while writing this you guys better like it

i listened to twenty one pilots the entire time so parts of this are sad you're welcome :)

OOH THE WIFI'S BACK YES (it was out from the thunderstorm we're having haha suck it mother nature)

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