Chapter 104

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Prom night has finally fallen upon us, and contrary to popular belief, the butterflies in my stomach have not calmed down one bit. They're still flying around, aggressively bumping into each other and making my insides churn.

Amber is currently in my room with me, having come over early on her own account to help with my make up. I protested, quite loudly, but this was one fight I couldn't win. This girl's almost as stubborn as I am.

The blonde is just finishing drawing some eyeliner across my lid, and I cringe inwardly at how close she is to my eyeball. I refused to let her curl my lashes or put on mascara, for the obvious reasons.

My cheeks hold a light pink blush, apparently some concealer over my acne scars, and some powder over my entire face. Amber went a little brush-happy with this one, so after my coughing fit, I took the container away from her and refused to give it back.

We compromised on the smallest amount of lip gloss in the least glimmer-y, lightest shade she had. I had planned to go without entirely, she had planned for me to wear full on red lipstick. You can see we had slightly different visions.

Amber pulls away from my face, holding the eyeliner pen type thing in between her fingers like a pencil, and poking her tongue out the side of her mouth.

"You're all done." She announces, after staring at me for what felt like an eternity.

"I feel like I can't move my face." I mutter through a half closed mouth, feeling my skin clench anytime I want to use a facial muscle.

"You're fine." She scoffs, not showing much empathy for my situation.

"Okay now leave so I can put the dress on." I order, standing up and gesturing Amber out the door.

She walks across the threshold with a huff, flipping a strand of long blonde hair over her shoulder in pretend anger.

Once the door is closed, I lean against it with a deep sigh. I've just been wearing an old pair of sweatpants and a random t-shirt all morning, but now I have to put the cursed blue dress back on.

I pull it over my head like I did in the store, and get it centred on my body. I zip it up about halfway with my hand flipped under until I can't reach anymore. From there on I struggle to grasp the zipper in between my fingers. I try reaching over my shoulder with the same arm, but I come up just a bit too short.

I reach success by using my opposite arm and yanking the zipper upwards. I cringe slightly, just hoping that I don't rip any of the material. Once the zipper can't go up anymore, I let my arm fall back to my side with a breath a sigh of relief.

I walk over to the edge of my bed and slip on the shoes Amber brought over for me to borrow- plain black flats. Somehow we ended up as the same shoe size for these, even though I have yeti feet.

I stand up and turn around to look in the hand hold mirror Amber had put on my dresser with the rest of the make up she left in my room. She loosely curled my hair, after I made her promise not to burn my scalp, and pulled two strands from the front to clip together in the back.

I stare at my reflection, yanking at some loose hairs to cover a bit more of my face. My make up looks good, I guess. I don't really know how it should look, but I don't have a clown face, so it's all good in my books.

I fidget for a final time in my dress, still not used to how the thin material sits across my shoulders. I sigh, setting the mirror down where I got it from, and grab my phone.

I open my door and walk out of my room, leaving my sweats and shirt in a messy pile on the floor.

My parents are at work tonight (of course) and Carter is at Jack's house for a sleep over with Jennifer. That was one thing that worked out perfectly, he's safe there and I don't want him here alone.

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