Chapter 62

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I push open the heavy double doors, the fresh and bitter March air blowing into my face, although refreshing after a day stuck inside the school. I bound down the few steps into the student parking lot, pulling my hoodie sleeves down to cover my hands.

Today is a bit colder than it has been in general recently, but the arrival of spring is evident. The last of the mud/snow slush is melting away, and the birds are beginning to build their nests.

I continue walking through the parking lot, but I don't make it very far before somebody harshly grabs my arm and yanks me into them. My back roughly slams into their chest, and I spin around to face them.

Harry. His eyes are dark and angry, like storm clouds. They don't even look like his. His hand is tight around my arm, and he looks intimidating overall. He looks like a stranger.

I twist in his grip, trying to wiggle my arm free. He doesn't budge the entire time I struggle, which just goes to show how much stronger he is than I am.

"Let me go." I grit my teeth, trying to use my weight as leverage to pull myself back.

"We need to talk."

"We already talked. You went to a party and shoved your tongue down Stacy's throat. You tried to keep it a secret from me, but I found out. We broke up. End of story." I pull my arm back, making Harry stumble forward awkwardly, but not releasing me. Serves you right, asshole, I think smugly.

"Why? Why is it so hard for you to accept my apology? I made a mistake, Piper. It was wrong, I was drunk, if I could go back and change it I would. But we can move on from this. We were so happy together, and we can have that again. Just give me another chance." Harry pleads, his eyes softening into the ones I know.

I struggle against his grip again, this time succeeding. I rip my arm free, massaging my forearm with my opposite hand.

"You lost any chance of another try when you decided to lie to me." I speak, a limp rising in the back of my throat.

I begin to walk away, wiping a hand underneath my eyes.

"You know it's screwed up, right? You, you're screwed up."

I stop dead in my tracks, any oxygen in my body instantly disappearing. My heart races, and my feet go numb. I turn around slowly, the back of my eyes heating up.

"What did you say?" I whisper, but I know he heard me.

"You're so wrapped up in your fear of being heartbroken that you won't let anyone get close. You don't trust, you don't commit, you don't even say how you're really feeling. You just shut down. You go limp. You start playing dead."

"You don't know what you're talking about." I glare at him, my vision blurring. Although, through the tears I can make out a group of students gathered around their cars. Each one of them is watching Harry and I intently, their eyes following every movement.

Harry takes a large step towards me, close enough that I could reach out to touch him. But I don't, because the Harry in front of me is not my Harry. He is not the Harry I know. And he is not the Harry I love.

"Oh, but I do." He says, almost tauntingly. "The night I kissed you for the first time, you freaked out. I told you how I felt and you ran. You lied", he lets the words linger in the air, "and said Carter was sick."

I swallow hard. I feel tears coming on, but I will not cry in front of him. Not again.

"It took you days to work up the courage to tell me you felt the same way, when we both already knew. I think I knew before you did, you just didn't want to accept the fact that maybe you finally had to open up to someone."

"Even when we were dating, you were still closed off. I tried so many god damn times to get you to open up, but you wouldn't. You'd just sit there, with your eyes glossy and your entire body tense. Seriously Piper, it's not that hard to tell someone about yourself."

I stare at the ground, his words sitting in the pit of my stomach like a bad sandwich. Someone is finally voicing all the insecurities I've ever felt about myself, but why does it have to be Harry? Out of all the people fate could have chosen, why him?

Harry takes a step towards me, and I go limp, because honestly, I don't trust him. I don't trust him not to hurt me, physically or emotionally. I don't trust him with anything anymore.

He leans down so his head is the same level as mine, and I can feel his gaze boring into me.

"So I ask again, why can't you give me another chance?"

I swallow hard, and look up to meet his eyes.

"Because you tore down my walls when nobody else wanted to, and then you built them up higher than ever before."

im so far up all time lows ass i hate myself

omfg my dad said he listened to twenty one pilots and calls them "THE twenty one pilots" and said he thinks they're "pretty hip hop" IM CRYING ASFGHIDEODBEOF and he asked me if i like the weeknd father get your shit together i am emo af pls

this guy i went to school with last year has like come back from the dead and keeps liking ALL OF MY INSTAGRAM POSTS even the ones on my horse account no ones supposed to know about



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