Chapter 68

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Harold: So I have an idea

Amber: God help us

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: This isn't good

Me: Oh no

Harold: Okay I'm going to ignore that

Harold: Would anyone like to know what my fabulous idea is?

Me: Not really

Amber: Nah

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: No thanks man

Harold: gonna tell you anyway

Me: joy

Amber: Wonderful

Jack Ol" Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: Can't wait

Harold: Tomorrows saturday right?

Me: I believe so

Amber: Thats what Ive always thought

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: The calendar says yes

Harold: And none of you have plans right?


Amber: Yeah like I have friends

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: i actually have a date with netflix soooooo

Harold: And spring breaks in a week right?


Amber: You know it

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: Thankfully

Harold: Okay so you're all coming to my house tomorrow and we're eating junk food and watching movies as a pre-spring break celebration until it's so late my mom just lets you all sleep over

Me: But what if Im busy?

Amber: Yeah Ive totally got plans

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: I just told you about my hot date

Harold: See you all tomorrow

Harold: 12 o'clock sharp

Me: K

Amber: K

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: K


I stand in Harry's kitchen with the pantry doors open, listening to Amber mumble with her head in the fridge beside me.

"Why aren't there any fruit cups? I know Anne always buys fruit cups. Ugh, why can Harry never control himself around food?" She steps away angrily, arms laden down with various other foods. She spreads out the ingredients for a sandwich on the counter top, gesturing her head at me.

"Grab some bread, would ya?"

I do as she asks, and toss the bag of whole wheat over to her. I turn back to quickly grab a bag of Doritos and a pack of jelly beans, and then drop them onto the counter in front of me. I lean onto the counter with my arms folded and my chin in one of my hands, watching as Amber constructs sandwiches for her and Jack.

"So, you and Harry, huh?" Amber wiggles her eyebrows at me suggestively, while spreading some mayonnaise onto a slice of bread.

"Are there any resurfacing feelings since hanging out with him again? Or being here in his house, with his bed upstairs?" She smirks, and I stick my tongue out at her.

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