Chapter 115

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Harry and I have arrived at the auditorium hall where the graduation ceremony will be taking place. Our families are all seated together, siblings included.

We've already joined up with Amber and Jack and have dressed into our caps and gowns, as of this moment we're all waiting for the music to begin playing so the ceremony can start. I'm already having deja vu to Maddie and Ashton's graduation just this morning, and as I look around the room to the backs, and some fronts, of heads, I feel even more nostalgic.

I break away from the group for just a moment to try and gather my thoughts. The original four of us have since been joined by other mutuals who are too graduating, Claire included, and suddenly I feel suffocated by the amount of people around me.

I lean my head and shoulder against the wall, head hung low in hopes someone will just think I'm on my phone, not trying to control erratic nerves. I focus on my breathing and the feeling of my lungs expanding and compacting with air, trying to even the amount of inhales I take.

Harry walks over to me in the corner, putting his hand on my shoulder and stepping around in front of me. I hear his voice and see his lips mouth, but I can't even focus on his pep talk amidst my wild thoughts. My eyes race all over his face, unable to pick a spot and stick to it.

Apparently he notices my failed attention span, because he sighs empathetically and pulls me into a hug. I let him fold my body any which way, practically frozen to the spot with anxieties of what is going to come within the next few hours of my life.

I rest my chin on Harry's shoulder, my hands lightly holding on to his torso. I stare into the space behind me, not so much nervous to receive my diploma, but rather for what will happen after I become an official graduate. The realization that this phase of my life is almost over is finally becoming surreal, and incredibly overwhelming.

At this point, the supervising teachers and student services members who have helped plan the graduation ceremony call for students to once again line up, and for surnames beginning with 'a' to walk out, the rest of the graduating class following in alphabetical order.

Harry and I break away, and I stare at him one last time with wide eyes. I feel as if there's a thorn bush in my throat, catching my breath each and every time.

"I'll see you on the other side." Harry quips, giving me a reassuring smile that, for once, isn't charismatically cheeky or sassy.

I just nod, eventually at the back of his head as he walks away. I too fall into my spot in line, following the boy in front of me as best as possible.

Jack is the first of the group to graduate, I'm second, Amber is third, and Harry is last. I focus on the shaggy haired boy's head farther up front in the line as we exit the "dressing" room and enter the auditorium. The echo of claps and cheers become only a hum to me, as I focus on just getting to my chair and sitting down.

I watch intently as the principal gives the expected alumni speech, the valedictorian does theirs, and the ceremony commences. The graduating class is fairly small at this school, only about 100 students, so it isn't long until Jack's name is called through the microphone.

I watch him proudly as he receives his diploma, my third friend to graduate today. I imagine a future version of him, a successful reporter traveling around the world to bring news of global destruction back to the US, and he looks happy.

Few students' names are called in between Jack's and mine, so when it's my turn, I stand up and walk ever so carefully towards the stage. The hollers and cheers ring in my ears and make me smile. I feel included, wanted, a sense of belonging.

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