Chapter 95

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Harry's POV

(Chapter 91)

I stand with Amber and Jack at the foot of Piper's bed, eyeing her carefully while she sleeps. We've already been in her room for upwards of half an hour, decorating her walls with streamers and banners, and by some miracle, we didn't wake her up. Then again, the girl can sleep through a hurricane if she wants.

"Ready?" I whisper to my best friends, and they nod their heads frustratingly.

"Yes Har, we've been ready since you yelled at us in the cafeteria two days ago." Amber huffs, blowing a strand of blonde hair out of her face.

"No cake for you." I answer snootily, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Wait." Jack pauses me with my mouth opened slightly, my tongue pressed to the roof of my mouth to start off the song. "Can I yell 'bass drop' to start it off?" He asks innocently, wide eyes searching mine.

"Hell no." I answer, tearing my gaze away from him.

"1, 2, 3, 4." I count down, taking in a deep breathe to awaken the sleeping brunette with a happy birthday song and a day I hope she'll never forget.


Fast forward a few hectic hours later, and our group of 6 is walking around the fair grounds. After Piper 'accidentally' fell back asleep for about an hour (I called bullshit on that one) when we left her room, we put her on watch. I stood outside her door while she got dressed, using my authority to knock obnoxiously every two minutes to make sure she was awake.

I switched with Jack once she moved into the bathroom, and I swear I could hear her grumbling from the kitchen on the first floor. Once the dark haired girl finally moved downstairs, Jack and I stepped back to let Amber take over.

I watched as she watched Piper eat her birthday breakfast, curtesy of Mrs Hamel. I could tell it made Piper uncomfortable, but the humour bubbling up inside me kept me from pulling the blonde haired girl away.

By 12:30 we had finally left the Hamel's kitchen, gathered Carter, bid our goodbye to their parents, and were on our way to Jack's house. It was there that we hit a slight detour- turns out Mr Cartwright had just set up the trampoline in the backyard for Jennifer, and seeing as Jack had failed to inform me, I was just as excited as Carter and Amber were.

I jumped alongside my fellow high school student and my adversary's of a mere 12 years old, as my girlfriend and best friend of whoever-knows-how-many-years pulled out lawn chairs for themselves in front of our playground.

Piper was presented with a birthday glass of iced tea with a lemon slice on the rim as she sat with her feet up and a borrowed pair of sunglasses on for the majority of our afternoon.

Flash forward to current time, where we stand at the entrance to the fair, after finally getting here before dusk begins to fall.

"Let's go to the bumper cars first." Jack suggests, pointing in the general area of the ride.

"Yes!" Carter and Jennifer both cheer excitedly, running towards it on their own.

Us older kids follow at a slower pace, but still with a pep in our steps. The worker lets us onto the ride, but pairs us into groups since Carter and Jennifer are both under 13.

The siblings each go with their older half, whereas Amber and I each take our own car to ourselves. We both end up choosing silver ones, Jack and Jennifer take a red one, and Piper and Carter go with blue.

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