Chapter 31

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Author's Note:


I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, moving my eyes up and down my body. I've changed a lot in the past few months, not only physically but emotionally too. I've grown taller and my hair has gotten longer, but I've also learned to overcome life's challenges and move on from them.

I'm a very different person than I was a year ago, and that's to be expected, especially at this point in my teenage years where I'm impressionable and still naive to many things.

2016 was a year of many challenges and feats, and I'm hoping 2017 will be a much smoother ride.

My brown irises skim over my reflection, fighting the inner battle with myself over whether or not my outfit is presentable enough. I've spent a good 20 minutes ridiculing my favourite red flannel and the plain black t-shirt I picked to go along with it, as well as one of my many pairs of black skinny jeans and my worn out black and white converse.

I take a deep breathe, meeting my eyes in the mirror for the first time all night. After silently prepping and preparing myself, I pick my phone up off the counter, which has remained black this entire time, and slide it into my back pocket.

I'm supposed to be at Harry's house for 11 o'clock, as per Amber's instructions. We spent the afternoon making a plan for tonight- Amber will stall getting snacks in the kitchen while Jack keeps Harry busy in the basement, so I can surprise him with my appearance, since he doesn't know I'm coming.

I turn to my right to walk out of the bathroom, taking one last lingering look at myself.


I knock gently on the front door of Harry's house in the pattern Amber told me to.

2 long knocks spaced out evenly, 3 short taps, and then 2 long knocks again.

Knock...knock...knock, knock, knock...knock....knock.

The door opens instantly and Amber pokes her face through the crack.

"Hi, come in." She whispers.

I kick off my shoes and shrug my jacket off, proceeding to toss it onto the large trunk in the front foyer.

Amber holds her fingers to her lips, gesturing for me to be quiet, and I nod, showing her I understand. We sneak down the stairs to the basement, me swallowing hard when my feet pass over the very spot where Harry kissed me, barely a week ago.

At the entrance to the basement, I can hear Harry's loud laugh echoing through the open floor space. I didn't even realize how much I missed that.

As Amber and I get closer, I notice flashing lights coming from the TV, and recognize the show playing as Border Security. Secretly, I grin. The show is one I watch all the time, and unbeknownst to Harry, he's watching my favourite episode.

From the way he's sitting, he can't see my frame, but I can see his. His jawline is as sharp as a knife from his side view, and his Adam's apple bobs up and down when chuckles escape his lips.

Jack is lazily sprawled out on the couch directly in front of the television, so his back is towards the two of us, making him completely unaware he's being watched.

Amber looks at me and nods, encouragingly. I bob my head, swallowing my nerves.

"Hey guys." I say, my voice much louder and clearer than I was expecting, taking me by surprise.

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