Chapter 12

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! So I decided to surprise everybody with another chapter, this one ended up being a bit of a filler so the timeline can be better spaced out. I really hope you guys like it, and as always, keep voting, commenting (I love reading your guys's comments- it makes my day), and don't be afraid to hit that follow button :)


So I watched fetus 5SOS videos while writing this and I'm honestly not quite sure how it made me feel. If any of you are 5SOS fans, leave a comment on what your favourite songs are or a favourite moment you have. Or anything really idk

Ugh, it's so bright. I cover my eyes and turn the other way. The sunlight streams in from my window and hits my bed perfectly from where it's placed. And now that winter's started, that means the sun is up even earlier than I am.

I count down from three and throw my comforter back. I stumble across the floor to my window and pull the blind across more. As I do, a blanket of snow on the ground catches my attention.

Seeing as Carter and I spent our entire lives living in California, we've never seen snow before. With this being said, he made me promise that if I saw the first snowfall before he did, I would tell him immediately. No matter what time it was.

I sprint out of my bedroom and across the hall into his room. I see him still asleep in his bed, snoring loudly as ever. I creep quietly across the floor and sit down next to him. I shake his shoulder and he lifts his hand to swat me away. I lie down so my body is parallel with his and cross my arms over my chest.

"Carter." I say simply. He groans again in annoyance. I lean over so I can whisper in his ear.

"Carter William Hamel."

"What?!" He rolls towards me, hair ruffled and a face of thunder.

"What Piper? What is it that's so important you had to wake me up from my sleep?" He whines.

I'm definitely not a morning person, where Carter is the opposite. But if he's woken abruptly...all hell will break loose. Demonstrated here in exhibit A.

 I shrug my shoulder and try to look bored. "Oh nothing. Sorry for waking you." I lift my hand up and pretend to examine my cubicles.

"No no tell me." He says, looking at me interestedly.

"Well, it just that, well, I stall, "It, it snowed last night." I say solemnly.

"It what!" He jumps out of bed and goes over to look out his window. "Oh my god Pipes, it snowed!"

He rushed over to me, still sitting on his bed, and grabs my hand. He grins and begs me, "Can we go build a snowman? Please?" He gives me those irresistible puppy dog eyes again. I give in, partially because I can't say no to him, and partially because I'm just as excited, except I'm doing a better job of hiding it, obviously.

"Yes, yes we can. Get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes." He claps his hands together and skips to his dresser.

I giggle at his excitement and walk back to my room. I pull out a pair of skinny jeans, a plain tee shirt, and a black hoodie. I slip on my converse and a windbreaker.

I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and pull my hair out of the tangled bun I slept in.

 Back in my room I grab my phone and turn it on to check the time. It's been exactly 14 minutes since I left Carter's room so I run downstairs in an effort to beat him.

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