Chapter 102

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Today has turned out to be something I never imagined myself doing. Prom shopping.

Amber dragged me out to the mall this morning, rudely interrupting my weekend sleep. Despite my (loud) protests, my mother agreed with how good of an idea it was, which just made me regret telling her about the dance and Harry's ingenious proposal even more.

We stand in the dress section of Macy's, against my better intentions. Amber physically dragged me across the store from the jeans to formal wear, and just looking at all the fluffy skirts gives me a headache.

My plan had been to wear jeans and a flannel, like I always do. A dress was on the very bottom of my list. Even farther than a skirt.

"I'm not wearing that." I tell Amber, as she holds up a strapless pink thing, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Why not?" She counters, hanging it back on the rack.

"Because I'm not a stripper." I tell her, rolling my eyes.

"This one." She shows me a black glittery one, with see-through sleeves.

"It's prom, not a funeral." I reason, sighing loudly.

"Fine. What about this?" She pulls out a shorter blue dress, one with a slightly flow-y skirt and fake rhinestones on the stop.

"That's not...too bad." I shrug, keeping an eye on it.

"Blue's your favourite colour, you like it." Amber huffs, slinging it over her arm.

I actually do like it. It doesn't have sleeves but it would come up to just about my collarbones, and it's not so short that people could see my underwear, but not so long that I look like a grandmother. Maybe I could get used to this.

I follow the blonde over to another section, watching as she hunts for something yellow for herself. Her and Jack have already decided on his tie matching her dress, so it's high priority she find the best one in store.

After a long search, she finds what she's been looking for. A short (shorter than my possible one) yellow dress, several layers of tule in the skirt, tight around the chest, and strapless.

"I love it." She tells me, hugging it to her body.

"I know you do." I reassure her, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"Come, you need to try yours on." Amber skips away from me, and I laugh to myself at how quickly her brain can jump from one subject to another.

In front of the dressing rooms is a small set up of fancy furniture, and Amber waits patiently in a chair for me while I go behind a curtain with the blue dress. She already knows her own dress size, but I don't know mine since I haven't worn one since I was 5 years old? Maybe 6? Since a very long time ago.

I stand with the dress in my hands, having already taken the hangar off. I flip it around a couple times, trying to figure out how to put it on.

I find a zipper in the back, but I don't know whether I should step into it or pull it over my head. I decide to try both, and cross my fingers that I don't rip it.

The second option turns out to be the better one, so when I finally get it sitting right and the zipper done up as far as I can reach, I turn around to look in the mirror. I stare back at the girl looking at me, my mouth agape and eyes wide.

Oh my god.

I don't really even recognize myself, but I look, dare I say...pretty?

I start scooping my hair into a messy bun on top of my head so I can see how high the dress comes on my chest. It stops right at my knees, which is where my level of comfort also comes to an end. Anything shorter than that and I'd be squirming all night. There aren't any sleeves to cover the tops of my arms, but the bodice reaches around to the back on both sides and covers all the way up to my shoulder blades.

I pick up the bottom of the skirt in between my finger tips, rubbing it together softly. The material feels foreign against my skin, but I think it might be a good thing. It's good to try new things, right?

"Piper!" I hear Amber call to me through the thin curtain and I tilt my head back to answer.


"This old lady just walked up to me and offered me a glass of champagne."

"Did you take it?" I ask, raising my eyebrows even though she can't see me.

I hear Amber scoff. "Of course not, I'm a pure child."

I laugh obnoxiously and smile to myself in the mirror. I've heard the stories from Harry about how many vodka shots Amber can out drink him by.

I tug the side of my bun a bit, so it doesn't look like a complete rat's nest. Smoothing the dress down against my body, I take a deep breathe and walk out of the dressing room.

I stand awkwardly by the curtain, anxious for what people might say. Amber has her head stuck in a bridal magazine, so I clear my throat loudly for her to notice my presence. She lifts her nose ever so slightly, and then drops her mouth open when she sees what I look like.

Amber gasps and shoves the magazine to the side, walking over to me. Her mouth moves up and down, but no words come out.

"Twirl." She finally orders, so completely embarrassed, I do.

I finish my circle, meeting Amber's blue eyes again.

"You look stunning." She breathes, and I blush.

"I feel uncomfortable. Remind me again why I can't wear jeans." I complain, shifting my shoulder under the glittery material.

Amber shushes me, waving her hands frantically in front of her face.

"Go get changed into your ugly ass jeans so we can buy the damn dress before you fully back out."

do you guys prefer longer chapters or shorter ones like this?

pictures of amber's and piper's dresses are linked in the top if you want to look

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