Chapter 50

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Harry's POV

(Chapter 46 *later that night*)

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, my eyes glued to the reflection looking back at me. I don't even recognize myself, my cheeks are blotted red and my eyes are glazed over from the intoxication. My hair is wet from my shower, although I still don't feel clean. The memory of looking into Stacy's eyes replays over and over in my mind, and no matter what I do, I can't stop it.

I can still feel her lips on top of mine, and her tongue welcoming the invitation to explore my mouth. The taste left behind is almost toxic, and I have to will myself not to throw up into the sink.

I reach for my toothbrush, squeezing some toothpaste onto it and running it under the tap. I brush each side of every tooth I can reach, wanting to remove any trace of Stacy from myself. I spit out the excess toothpaste and wipe my mouth with a paper towel. The mint aftertaste is almost enough to overpower the residue of her cherry flavoured lip gloss, but not quite. I take a large sip of mouthwash and swish it around, cleansing the sides of my tongue and the insides of my cheeks.

I spit that out as well, and rinse the sink. Stumbling slightly, I make it back to my room by running my hands along the walls for guidance. I lie down on my bed, the lights already off, not even caring enough to get under the covers. I rest my hands on my stomach and close my eyes. I swallow hard, trying to think of anything but what happened tonight.

My mind is too strong however, and I can't fight it. I fall into a light sleep, plagued by nightmares of what Piper would do if she ever found out.

(Chapter 47)

I walk into math class before the bell had even rung. I left first period earlier to go to the bathroom, mainly because I couldn't focus on the assignment and I just needed to be alone for a few minutes.

My arms are crossed on my desk, my head in between. My eyes are closed, and I drift in and out of consciousness.

Half awake, I feel somebody tap me on my shoulder. The gesture catches me off guard, and I look up suddenly, only to naturally relax when I see Piper, but then tense up again when I realize she has no idea about the secret I'm keeping from her.

"Hi, are you okay?" She asks me, tilting her head to the side to see me better.

"Hey Pipe. Yeah, I'm fine. Just really tired." I drag a hand down my face tiredly, and then attempt to smile, although I'm sure it comes out more as a grimace.

That's true though, I am really tired. I slept terribly last night, I was up at least once every hour. When I woke up to my alarm going off at 7:00, my shirt was damp with sweat and I had a cold chill, even though I had gotten under the covers somehow in the middle of the night.

"Okay." Piper nods, seemingly content with my answer. "How was the party last night?"

Panic rises in my chest, but I force it back down. Don't let it show, don't let it show, don't let it show

"Um, good, I guess. It was kinda boring to be honest." I shrug, looking down to my desk. Change the subject, change the subject, change the subject

"How drunk did Amber get?" Piper laughs, a grin on her face.

"Not too bad. She was more focused on helping other people get drunk than herself." I smile, mouth closed. Like me.

"Sounds like her." She agrees, looking up to the front of the class.

I see Stacy walk into the room at the same time Piper does, and all my red flags go up. I don't fail to notice the smirk Stacy gives Piper, and the glare she gives the blonde in return.

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