Chapter 51

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I lift my head up from my damp pillow. I sniff and breathe in a gulp of fresh air through my mouth, trying to cure my aching heart.

I hear my phone buzzing and reach for it on my nightstand. I swear to god if it's Harry, somebody's going to get hurt. I think grimly to myself.

Texts roll in on my lock screen, the contact name saying they're from Amber.

Amber: Hey where are you?

Amber: It's 5 minutes to the bell you're gonna be late

Amber: Are you okay?

Amber: Sick?

Amber: Overslept?

Amber: Got lost?

Amber: Piper

Amber: Piper

Amber: Piper

Amber: Piper

Amber: Piper

Amber: Move yo ass

I roll my eyes and toss my phone beside me. I'm home "sick" today because there's no way I can face Harry after finding out about what he did. Besides, I can't even go 5 minutes without crying.

I held a warm rag to my forehead last night to convince my mom that I have the flu. I already have a headache from so much crying and no appetite, so those weren't a problem.

Even though right now I'm sad, deep down I'm pissed at Amber. I thought we were supposed to be friends, and friends don't keep secrets from each other. Especially when one's boyfriend cheats on her.

I fall back onto my pillows with a thump and soon enough, a tear is falling across the bridge of my nose. I sniffle and wrap my arms tighter around myself, falling into a deep, dreamless slumber.


I wake up a considerable amount of time later, when the sunlight has flooded my room and the house sparrows have gathered on the tree branch just outside my window.

A buzzing sound comes again from my phone and I half heartedly reach for it. Turning it over, I see only one text from Jack, but it's too long to completely show on the lock screen. I unlock my phone and open the messages app, curious to read what he says.

Jack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal Ol' Friend: hey so I know about what happened between Harry and Stacy. I didn't know before, I just heard today. I know Amber already tried texting you but since she tried to keep it a secret from you I understand if you don't want to talk to her. I understand if you don't want to talk to me either but I'm supposed to walk with Jennifer over to your house after school so her and Carter can hang out. So I'm going to check on you. I just want to make sure you're okay.

I exhale a shaky breath. Jack's message comes as a shock to me, I had just assumed he would take Harry's side. I didn't think he would remain mutual when he's known me for 6 months and Harry for 13 years.


There's a knock at my door and I prop myself up by my pillows. The door opens to reveal Jack, who has a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Hey you." He opens the door all the way, leaving it open as he says on the edge of my bed.

I wipe my cheeks with the palms of my hands, trying to erase any proof that I was crying, even though I know my eyes are red and puffy. I sit criss-cross in the middle of my bed with multiple blankets over my lap.

"Hi." I croak, my voice weak from not talking at all today.

"How ya doing?" Jack asks, tilting his head and twisting to see me better.

"How do you think?" I laugh bitterly.

"Look, I know what Harry did was a real asshole move, even if he was drunk and Amber agreeing to keep it a secret from you was...wrong, but I want you to know I'm here for you. Both you and Harry. I'm not going to pick sides, and I'm not going to leave either." Jack puts a hand on my knee and smiles, his shaggy hair covering his eyes.

"Thank you." I whisper, my throat already sore.

"Come here." Jack stands up and pulls me onto my feet, wrapping his arms around me tightly. He holds me protectively, but not in a selfish way. In a honest way, like there is no gain for him from this, it's purely for me.

I let my walls down for one second, but the tears are faster than I am. They fall rapidly down my cheeks and a muffled sob escapes from my mouth. I cry into Jack's shoulder, his damp shirt pressing against my cheek. He stays silent, but rubs his hand comfortingly up and down my back. My fleece hoodie moves against my skin, creating friction, which in turn creates heat.

He doesn't say anything like "It's okay." or "I know." which I appreciate because, it's not okay, and he doesn't know.

I take a step back, the flowing legs of my flannel pyjama pants gathering around my ankles. I stare down at the floor, breathing shakily and trying to pause the steady flow of my tears. Jack sits back down on my bed, this time beside me.

We sit with our feet over the edge, resting on the floor. I fiddle with my hands in my lap and Jack stays silent still, giving me as much time as I need.

"It's not even about the break up." I say quietly. "It's the fact that I trusted him, and he broke it. Even if he was drunk. Something like that can't be forgiven easily, you know?"

Jack turns to look at me, his eyes gentle.

"It's just", I swallow hard, "I don't trust people easily. I don't know why, but I just don't. But Harry proved himself and he didn't stop trying after a month, so I opened up to him. I let my walls down." I smile faintly at the memories of us becoming friends. "I've had people break my trust before, that's normal. It's a part of life. I just", I shake my head sadly, "I didn't think Harry would ever be one of those people."

"And I don't want to be one of those girls who cries for weeks after they break up with their boyfriends, but he was more than just my boyfriend. He was my friend, and my boyfriend, but he was something more too. I just...don't know how to explain it."

My knees start to shake and my bottom lip trembles, my eyes burning with tears. Jack wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on his upper arm, emotionally exhausted from all these feelings. He breathes in deeply and exhales, somehow calming me.

"And Amber, she was hell bent on Harry liking me when we first met. She brought it up every conversation we had, she was constantly texting me about it. She just seemed like the last person to keep a secret like that from me."

"So I guess it's just everything all at once, but I still have to see them everyday at school and be stared at in the hallway by Stacy and her minions." Jack laughs softly and I snort.

"Look Piper", he starts, "I don't know what's going to happen, with you and Harry and Amber and Stacy, but I do know that whatever does happen, you've still got me. No matter what."

He moves back slightly, holding out his pinky finger. I smile and lock mine onto his. He grins his signature goofy grin, making eye contact with me.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

almost 610 reads on the prologue what even

you guys should listen to the youth authority album by good charlotte they're one of my new favourite bands i have just decided 

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