Chapter 36

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Beep! Beep!

I fight to open my eyelids, only to be blinded by sunlight flooding into my bedroom. I slowly count to 3, and fling my comforter off my body to the other side of my bed, sucking in my breath sharply when a blast of cold air hits my warm body.

I shift so my feet dangle off the mattress and box spring, and I attempt to fully wake myself up. I reach over to my nightstand to check my phone for notifications. The lock screen is blank, but a memory surfaces in my brain.

Harry randomly texted me yesterday morning to ask me to come to his house today around noon so we could hang out, just the two of us, and of course I agreed. Right now it's about a quarter past 11, so I should start getting dressed.

I drag my feet across the room to my dresser and pull out a pair of jeans, a plain grey t shirt and a black hoodie. I shove on a pair of socks and untangle my hair from the bun I thew it into last night before I went to bed.

In the bathroom, I brush my teeth quickly and make sure my hair isn't frizzy or sticking up in any embarrassing places. I stop what I'm doing to take a few seconds just to look at myself. I stare at my deep brown pupils, and slowly drift my eyes down the reflection in the mirror. I critique the messy constellations of freckles on my cheeks and the few on my nose, the acne scars, my lack of a jawline, and the fact that my collar bone or the muscles in my neck don't completely reveal themselves when I turn my head.

I take a deep breath and will the tears welling in the corner of my eyes away. With one last disheartening glance, I leave the bathroom and head straight downstairs.

I shove on my shoes quickly and check my phone in my hoodie pocket. It reads 11:40, so I have just enough time to make it to Harry's house before lunchtime.

I turn back around from locking the front door, and take an abrupt step back. Carter is walking up the driveway in front of me, a confused expression on his face.

"Where are you going?" He asks me, expression blank.

"Harry's. Where were you?" I ask curiously.

"Jason's house. We were hanging out this morning but then I had to leave because they're going to visit his grandparents." He shrugs.

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you later then, have a good day." I jump off the last step of the front porch and ruffle his hair as I walk past him.

I struggle down the driveway, trying not to slip on any patches of ice.

"Bye Pipes, I love you." He calls after me.

"I love you too." I holler back, waving my hand in farewell.


I stand in the doorway of Harry's room, reliving every moment I've spent in here. I was a bit nervous when he suggested that we hang out in his room, but then I realized that he wouldn't try anything. And even if he does, I'll just kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

I stare at the dark oak stained furniture and the deep blue walls, the beige shag carpet, the double sized bed and the small square window in the middle of the back wall.

The memories flood my brain, pushing and shoving each other to be remembered first. The night of our first kiss, my first kiss, when Harry poured out his feelings for me. The night of our second kiss, my second kiss, when I poured out my feelings for him.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" I feel his arms wrap around me from behind, and his resting chin puts minimal weight on my left shoulder.

"Why do you like me?" I blurt out, inhaling deeply when I realize what I've done.

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