Chapter 98

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My head is still submerged and I feel the edges of my vision start to blur with jagged black lines. I take a large breathe with my senses all distorted, and the murky water crowds my lungs. I begin to hack from the bottom of my lungs but more water comes through my mouth and nostrils and it's like an endless cycle. The area just above my sinuses begins to pound and I realize that I'm losing consciousness.

I thrash my legs out at all angles but the waistband of my jeans is too constricting and the heavy fabric begins to weigh me down. Harry was able to throw me far enough that my feet can't reach the pebbles and my entire sense of direction is swaying, not to mention I'm running out of oxygen supply to my brain.

The waves have gotten stronger in the past 5 seconds, and I feel as if I'm being pushed away into the depths of the lake, even though I'm probably only a few feet away from where I fell.

A surge of water brushes past my forehead and over my head, making me go even further under. I screw my eyes shut until I see stars dance and in the same instance, my lungs start burning. I haven't had oxygen in approximently 30 seconds or more, and I remember from health class in the 5th grade, that a person who goes more than two minutes without oxygen will have permanent brain damage.

I get a small ounce of energy and thrash my arms around me, which defeats the purpose in it's entirety because the water just ends up splashing more. I begin twisting my body back and forth as I fight to break the surface.

My lungs are on fire now and I feel myself getting weaker and weaker every time I thrash my legs away from my body. The muscles in them begin to feel like iron and I am just debating whether to give up or not and sink to the bottom when I feel a pair of hands wrap tightly around the upper part of my arm. Thumbs and forefingers press into my skin and then the water is whooshing past me, only in the opposite direction this time and a gust of fresh air hits my face.

The drastic change in temperature attacks my skin and I drop my mouth open, sucking in gasps of air. I can hear my own lungs welcoming the oxygen into my body, my diaphragm rises and falls rapidly with the lack thereof.

I try to open my eyes to see who my rescuer is, but the lake water burns against my irises and I have to clench them closed again. Everything was white for only a moment, but it was a beautiful difference against the black. My head begins to spin again after the short break it took, the breeze is warm against my cold skin, and it doesn't even register that I'm moving until I feel my cheek pressed against someone's chest, but I don't know who or how.

My breathing falls to an irregular pattern, my chest very lightly moving with the intake and waste disposal. My head droops forward as my mouth parts slightly. I probably look like I'm just sleeping, sans my soaking wet clothes and shaking hands.

I feel myself being laid down onto something soft, and I don't really care what it is, I just know that it feels nice after being trapped in that lake for what felt like forever. My breaths begin to get wheezy and my chest feels like it's closing up, but I soften the muscles squeezing my eyes shut and relax my entire body. This feels nice, so nice. Maybe I'll just take a little nap...

Someone sits me forward, the touch of their hands feels familiar through my heavy shirt, and a word enters my brain. Just one. A singular name. Harry.

I blink my eyes open, hesitantly, expectant that water will burn against them again. I focus my vision on the beach towel in front of me, the puddles of water I've created, and the footprints in the sand.

Then, a tickle works it's way up all the way from my stomach to my esophagus and I begin choking. Someone rubs circles onto my back and I cough up buckets worth of water. Well, maybe not bucket's worth, but enough that it gathers in my mouth and leaves a muddy, germ-like taste.

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