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DECISIONS - Chapter 1


(Y/N) P.O.V

It's my last day here in L.A. And I might be leaving for good. I mean it's not my fault that I got accepted at a British University right? But I'm leaving him. Yes. Justin.

Eyeing the packed suitcases and the empty room around me, I sighed. Disturbingly, a loud thump hit the door, making me jump a little.

I ran down the stairs breathlessly, to open the door to the love of my life.

"Justin?" I jump to hug him as a tear raced down my left cheek. He gripped onto my hips and lift me up, swirling me around.

"What am I gonna do without you?" His eyes were red and puffy. Of course, he has been crying. Wrapping his hand around my neck he pulled me closer to his lips and kissed me.

"I'll love you forever (Y/N). I promise one day we'll meet again."

Tears erupted from both of our eyes as we hugged.

"Justin.. I don't want to leave." I sobbed. Mascara ran down my face as Justin reached out to wipe the tears with his fingers.

"You have to. It'll do you good. Sure it'll be hard, but we'll get through it." Justin replied.

He sounds as if he wants me to leave. Is he up to something? Is he glad? But then why would he be crying? Stop it (Y/N) you're only making it worse for yourself.

"I love you (Y/N)" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you so much more Jay."


Justin's P.O.V

Watching her suitcases laying on the floor breaks my heart into pieces. I have to stay strong for her. She's my life, I've got to wish her the best, but I can't possibly let her go either. I gulped and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Justin?" She asked looking worried.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"Do you really love me?"

Confusion slapped my face. Is she serious right now? I sniggered and then immediately stopped as she raised her eyebrow.

"If I told you to tell the whole world that you loved me, would you?" She questioned.

I grabbed her waist, pulled her close and whispered in her ear.

"I love you."

"You've only whispered it to me."

"That's because you are my world"

She blushed. Damn she's so cute when she blushes. Suddenly, she enveloped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips. I'll miss their softness. And her scent of roses.


Pulling away, I brought out a red, plastic rose, she studied it and looked at me in confusion.

"I want you to have this."

"But it's plastic."

"Therefore it'll never die. It symbolises my love for you. It'll never leave."

She started crying harder as she held the rose in her hand.

"You do not know how much you mean to me." She spoke. Her words repeated in my head continuously.

Then her mother came in.

"(Y/N) time to say goodbye; we're leaving."

My heart frowned. We hugged, and started kissing passionately but then my phone rang.

"Damn it."

'Incoming call from ?????'

Oh no.


Who could it be? Any ideas for what is going to happen next? I've got so much more coming! Hold tight, here comes the action ;)

A x

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