Our Happy Ever After

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Our Happy Ever After


YN's P.O.V

I woke up first. Our fingers were interlocked with each others as he slept peacefully. I tried to get up but his grip only tightened more. I didn't want to wake him.

"Babe stay with me forever." I heard a voice so weak say. Turning frequently I noticed my loves brown eyes stare back at me.

"You know I will baby." I replied lovingly. Laying down next to him again as he reached out and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"You're so beautiful.. Even when you wake up." He said. I blushed like crazy.

His hair was messy.. But it was so hot at the same time. His shirtless body gawked at me as he noticed me staring.

"You like what you see?"

I nodded embarrassed.

"Well let me tell you... I'd rather die than wake up one morning and not have you by my side."

I blushed again as he chuckled and turned away.

"Oh YN. You have no idea what you do to me."

I raised an eyebrow and shuffled right next to him so our bodies now touched. He bit his lip. I bit mine.

"So what do I do to you baby?" I teased as I rubbed his abs. He arched his back completely and started breathing heavily as I heard him gulp. I smiled evilly as I planted a kiss on his chest. I got up but he grabbed my leg and pulled me back. We both laughed as he got on top of me.

"Where are you going princess?" He said as he smothered me in kisses.

I flipped him over, kissed his lips and interrupted the heat.

"Let's go to the beach.." I smirked as I know I turned him on.

"YN!!!! " he pouted. I rushed into the bathroom and put a blue bikini on.

When I came out the bathroom, Justin was still in the same place I found him.

I jumped on the bed as his eyes shot open again. He smirked at me rolling over and laughed.

"So my Queen came back."

"I thought I was your Princess."

"Na..you're so much more than that."

I raised an eyebrow and told him to get changed. He did and we picked up some croissants and headed to the beach.

It was so beautiful and tropical. The waves increasing in size in the turquoise sea. Palm trees scattered everywhere in the golden sands. I held Justin's hand as he smiled.

"I want this vacation to last forever." He whispered.

"Me too." I agreed.

We set up our towels in and area and dashed into the ocean. It was cold at first but it was decent.

He clutched onto my waist the whole time. Then suddenly paps scattered around us. Justin growled as I kissed his cheek.

"Ignore them baby." I tried calming him down.

"I think we should go doll. Let's go have some lunch, it's 2 already. And we'll come back later."

I nodded and Justin walked behind me as he was glaring at the paps.

We got back to the hotel and we changed. I grabbed a white tank top and denim shorts. My blue vans and we headed out for lunch.

We enjoyed some pizza and laughed a little. It was fun... There is no other way I would like to spend these 2 weeks. Of course I miss Sally, Pattie and the others but I know they're safe so now all I can think about is Justin and focus on our relationship.

*skip to dinner*

I pulled out a short red dress and accessorised it with black pumps. I curled my hair and added some red lipgloss. Justin told me to meet him at a fancy restaurant. I grabbed a black clutch bag and left the hotel. Upon arrival, one of the guys that worked there led me to my table but Justin was nowhere to be seen. I gave him some time... Maybe he just wasn't ready yet. But he did leave the hotel because he wasn't in our room.

I was starting to get inpatient. I ordered a diet coke as I unlocked my phone. I was thinking of calling him but I didn't want to. He told me he's coming so where else could he be. The table was full of roses and it had a candle in the middle. It was so romantic. Too bad I'm by myself.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere a figure appeared. And to my surprise it was Justin. He apologised for being late but then something really unexpected happened. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Then took one step back and went down on one knee. My heart was racing and I felt like crying.

He pulled out a small purple box out of his pocket and held it in front of me. He opened it exposing a beautiful diamond ring as I gasped with happiness.

"YN,YLN.. I have enjoyed spending my life with you. Surely there were ups and downs but we were blessed to live through them.. Every step of the way. So I want to cherish you forever. Baby. Will you marry me?"

I exploded with tears as I shouted:

"YESSSS!!!!" He got up smiling and kissed me as claps echoed from the background. But that wasn't important right now. What was significant was that I was in the arms of my future husband and that's all that mattered to me.


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