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----------------- (YLN= your last name) (YFN = your friends name)

Justin's P.O.V

I remain on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. I slowly gain the courage to get back up and look for one of my car keys. I reach for the White Lamborghini keys and rush outside whilst holding my crotch. Paps were after me with their flashing cameras and reporters were shouting out questions.
•" Are you and YN okay?"
• "did she leave cause she found out you've changed?"

I shot my middle finger up and flicked them off as I placed my sunglasses on my eyes. I unlocked my car and headed for YN's house. Rolling down both windows, I let some cold air scatter around the inside of the car. I huffed and sighed continuously as I parked in the driveway. I immediately spotted her parents in the window but they didn't notice me. Climbing out my car, I head for her window which is round the back. I pull up my pants to avoid tripping and climb up the tree leading to her balcony. I hang loosely but continue to climb. I jump over the barrier and spot the violet curtains flowing as the wind blew through them. Opening the glass doors slowly and cautiously I notice that she wasn't there.
What could have happened?

In the corner of my eye, I see some torn out pages from a notebook. There were pictures of me stuck on them, they looked as if she tore them from a scrap book. I suddenly hear footsteps coming closer so I rush back to the balcony and close the doors behind me. I slide down the bark of the tree and get in my car, acknowledging that I still have the torn out pages with me. The engine roared as Mr. YLN eyed me, giving me a glare and then a gasp. My eyes immediately widened as I reversed. It looked as if he called out to YN's mother.
Where could she be?

I drive through the local area for a couple minutes. Wandering around the streets and narrow my eyes to see if she was in any shops. I head over to (YFN ' s) house but it looked as if she wasn't in either. I kept driving. I was worried out of my mind as I approached a local park. I stop and park my car. Climbing out of my Lamborghini and locking it, I run my fingers through my hair and fix my sunglasses. Walking around, I notice 2 people. One on the floor and the other crouching over them. I chuckle as I walk to them, both hands in pockets.

"Hold up."

I turn and notice someone familiar on the floor.

I drop the papers, and stand there. Eyes widened and mouth dropped.


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