Back At You

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Back At You


Justin's P.O.V

I turned and scanned across the room from where the voice came from. No one was present which freaked me out badly but I didn't let this matter go that easily. I focused on the open door on the far left and also glanced over at YN from time to time.

Then, a loud thud echoed the surrounding and I exhaled deeply whilst crouching over YN, protecting her. She was my only purpose in life.

Fredo entered the dark room, clutching Sally's hand tightly.

"Justin I've got her!" I teared up with joy as I picked up YN, bridal style and started shuffling towards the exit holding YN tight to my chest.

"Going somewhere boys?" Michael chuckled as he jumped in front of us whilst me, Fredo and Sally gasped.

"What do you want punk?" Fredo asked angrily. Michael lifted up his hands in defence but also in a mocking way to show that he wasn't scared.

"Feisty one you are. And I want the girl, I've been alone forever, I mean.. I need company." He explained with a devilish smirk. As if. He wants to kill her. I know it.

"Oh you need company? Maybe if you weren't such of a damn phsyco maybe you'll have someone." Fredo explained again. Then they both looked down as Fredo huffed and said.

"Look dude, there's plenty of fish in the sea, why do you have to go for the one that has already been caught?" He said which kinda surprised me, but it had a weird effect on Michael, like it made him think to be honest.

"If I can't be happy, no one can."

Then something clicked. That's what Miley said when she kidnapped me and YN.

"Hold up. YOU WORK FOR MILEY DON'T YOU?" I questioned.

"Surprise surprise little boy. You're the smart one aren't you? Ah ! Now it all makes sense. See.. It wasn't that hard to figure out." He laughed as he pointed the gun at Alfredo.

"I'll take this one out first."

Fredo's eyes widened and then....



"It's one thing when someone messes with my friends, but I won't let anyone mess with my family."

I turned and saw Ryan and Chaz behind me. My face lit up and I started tearing up again.

"I love you guys, I swear.. No homo but I love you!" Ryan smiled as I said that.

"Don't worry about it bro. We're cool now. Sure we fight like stupid kids, out of the dumbest motives, but we're like brothers at the end of the day."

I put YN down and gave Ryan a bro hug.

"I'll never leave you Justin, We're forever. " he mocked and laughed.

"You sound like a female, shut up." I punched him lightly in the shoulder.

Then Za and Twist shot through the door and huffed.

Twist looked at Michael and "ooooo" 'ed.

"OH SHIIIIIIIT! Who shot him? Straight in da head bruv!" He laughed.

"Erm yea.. Ay homie, Erm... I don't wanna break the celebration but Wayne just stole your Lamborghini."

I gasped.

"That fucking fuck will fucking pay." I cursed.

"Ayo enough with the fucks sound like you're from the ghetto."

"I don't give a shit. DRIVE!" I ordered Za, then he nodded as I climbed in the passenger seat with YN still weak and asleep in my arms.

I kissed her forehead as we saw him.


"get yo' ass over here Wayne!"

"NEVER YOU FUCKS!" He laughed as he sped off...


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Sorry I kept y'all waiting. Was gonna update yesterday but I was so sad and devastated about what happened with Justin and I cried for the whole day. Sorry about that.

But there's good news!

Doing a musical at school "Beauty and the Beast"

Lame I know but I got the part of Belle!!!! It's gonna be good I think, especially cause were all over 13 years old.

I'm 15 btw looool


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