Fly Away Airplane

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Fly Away Airplane

(Y/N's) P.O.V

Sitting in the airplane blasting 'Be Alright' in my headphones while drowning in my tears. I haven't stopped crying, wondering if Justin's received my letter. I hope he doesn't do anything he'll regret.

The stewardess brought me some hot chocolate and biscuits, to bring me out of my misery. Obviously it didn't work. I scrolled through tons of pictures through my phone and started playing candy crush saga because I was bored and it's what makes me happy.

The rose lay on the little table in front of me, glaring at me because I left him. I broke a promise, but I have to get education right? I've got to do something with my life. Not just be known for Justin Bieber's girlfriend. Well was.

Justin's P.O.V

Checking my phone continuously, she said she'd text me when she lands.. London. I've had one of the toughest weeks in London when I toured there.. I just hope she won't.
Laying in my hospital bed, taking selfies then posting them to Instagram to kill time. The doc said I'd be out soon but that's hard to believe after so many examinations on my head.
Suddenly, Ryan face-timed me out of the blue..

"Hey man...I've talked to the guy that I've sent your Audi to, and he said there's nothing he can do. Oh that rhymed, SWAG" he laughed.
I huffed and rolled my eyes.
"That was my favourite car."

Suddenly an unfamiliar figure entered my dark hospital room.

?????: hey Bieber, you're coming with me.


Short but it's a filler.... Didn't want to combine it with the action, so here...
A x

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