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(YN's p.o.v)

It took me a few minutes of staring into space to acknowledge what exactly just happened. My mom. I'm staring to think that she hates me. I pull the phone away from my ear as deep thoughts circle my brain repeatedly. I have to go back. I have to talk to her. She hated Justin from the beginning and I never even bothered to ask her why. I left her alone and ran away with him. A boy. I left my own mother, the woman that brought me into this world for him. How isolated and love struck I must've been to not even realise what I've been causing her to feel. Could it be regret? No. It can't. I try not to think it.

I find Justin resting on a couch in our living room area in our hotel. Making my way towards him, I can feel tears building up in my eyes. Of course I want to get married to him. He's been my life saver for many years. It doesn't matter how much he's hurt me, because I know I've done things that have also hurt him. We're human, it works like that.

I trail my fingers across his cheek gently as he flutters his eyes open steadily. A smile instantly forms as he looks at me but it suddenly vanishes as he sees the tears in my eyes.

"Baby what's wrong?" He gets up and wraps his arms around me. Once again, I felt ever so safe. He makes me feel so secure and he almost releases this sense of warmth. I look down as I begin.

"Jay.. Don't get me wrong, we are getting married okay? But I have to go see my mom first. You know? Just to make sure she approves. I don't want to live my life knowing that my mother hates me for my choices." I can see his face dropping. He loosened his grip and released a deep sigh.

"I understand. But even if she says no.. I mean it's likely.. She does hate me." He tries to keep a smile on his face but it's hard for him. Your fiancé's mother hates your guts but you still have the audacity to ask for her hand in marriage. And since no one is there to walk me down the aisle, we do need her blessing.

"We need to sort it out. We need to go home." I say. I know this would lead to many misunderstandings, I mean Pattie's dream will be crushed. She always wanted to visit Hawaii, and imagine the happiness and joy in her soul when she finds out that she hasn't been invited on a holiday but to her son's wedding.

"Okay. But I'm coming with you." Justin mutters. I know he doesn't want to come. He hated coming to my house because that would mean hiding him every time my mom came into my room. It would be a miracle when my dad actually came over. That would mean Justin could come for dinner and stay for the basketball games which he watched with my dad.

"Why don't you call your dad? Maybe he can make an exception and actually turn up?" He asked. I nodded and began dialling the number.

"Hey honey!" I hear my dads voice. It's so joyful and it brings a smile to my face which then leads on to Justin smiling. It's a cycle really. Haha.

"Hey dad. I've got some news for you."

"Hit me with them!"

"I'm getting married."

There was a pause of relief as I heard his breathing rate increasing.

"That's amazing! To Justin right?"

"Of course. But there's a slight problem."

"Your mother. I know."

"Yeah, um... So do you think you can make it? I want you to walk me down the aisle."

"Sure baby. Work can wait. I can't possibly miss an event like this and live for the rest of my life alright. I'll probably get nightmares every night of you strangling me."

I laugh. I feel so relieved that my dad actually said that. He can turn up. I give Justin a thumbs up and he claps cheerfully.

"Alright dad..I'll text you the details!"

"Okay honey.. I'll talk to you soon!"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

That took courage to say. After all the problems I've conquered with my dad in the past I've finally managed to sort it out. Now the last step. Mom.

I throw some clothes in my suitcase and Justin does the same. He purchased the tickets on the next flight to Chicago.

*skip flight*

The warmth hit us as we eluded the plane. Various beliebers circled around us, begging for pictures. We granted their wishes as we smiled for the cameras until one girl spotted my engagement ring.

"Oh my gosh! You're engaged to Justin!!!"

Justin's eyes widened as he put his sunglasses back on and grabbed my hand so we could escape the crowd. Clutching our suitcase in one hand and holding my hand with the other.

We stopped by my moms house and knocked on the door.

She opened it and gasped.

"Mom. We need your blessing."


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