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Y/N's P.O.V

My head was spinning, was I having hallucinations? The trees were enveloping in on me as eerie wind struck my innocent body. I gasped continuously.


No answer.
I call again.


No answer.

I descend to the ground in horror and disbelief. My conscious overwhelming my mind as it is. Loneliness erupted through the swaying trees as an unsubtle echo filled the suspense. A rustling sound built in the atmosphere as the semantic field changed. I felt my knees getting weaker. My sense of sight and my head was beginning to get heavier. I'm lost in time, all alone.

I lay in the grass, grouping it out of the soil. Suddenly I hear noises. I dared not say a word as it might be some sort of hunter. I embedded my knees in my chest, hoping that what ever it was couldn't sense me. I was stunned and paralysed in one position, when I felt the ground vibrating.

Streaks of wetness drooled down my face as I remained quiet. Digging my head in my knees and hugging my legs tightly to the rest of my body.
My mind switched to Justin. Where could he be? Is he panicking? Is he alright?

Interrupting my trail of thoughts something hit me, knocking me out, and the whole world went dark. Light was nowhere to be seen.


Sorry it's short, but it's a school night where I am! It's like 1.00 in the morning! I'll make it up to you tomorrow and this weekend! Love you!

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