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YN's P.O.V

I woke up in complete darkness. My body shivered instantly. There was something behind me, almost attached. I couldn't move. My arms and legs were tied to the chair as I tried screaming. My lips were stuck and attached together disabling me from shouting. I wiggled my fingers and touched something warm to which I quickly gasped. I felt it jump as well then I heard murmurs. I recognised the stutter as I turned my head rapidly. A shade of grey swirled behind me but I smelt a pleasant scent. Almost smelt like 'after shave'. A sunless face in front of me, I could barely make out the characteristics.

A glimpse in the eyes was all it took. Them staring at me and me peering back into them. The little sparkles gave it away but I sensed that they were sorrowful. Dry tears were scattered underneath his puffy eyes as I felt so distressed.
Suddenly an inconvenient door opened and a ray of light descended into the dullness of the room. A skinny figure walked in casually whilst locking the door behind themselves. It grinned into the shades of grey and moved around rhythimically.


"Aw... I told you it'll be the end for both of you didn't I?"


She laughed ignorantly. She ripped the tape from our mouths violently as we both panted in pain. She then untied us and stepped aside while smirking.

"Time for a little fun..well.. At least for me." She winked at us and broke into laughter, her facial expression didn't change, she had steamy eyes and her face was lit up and joyful. But her eyes said otherwise. They were broken. Justin grabbed me instantly and defended us from her evil self. She eyed his unfortunate hand that was wrapped around me and viciously snapped at it.

"Miley what do you want from us?" Justin shouted fulfilled with anger.
"If me and Liam can't be happy then you can't." She exclaimed as tears rolled out of her eyes tragically.

The surrounding was still dark. No lights but a small candle was lit at the back of the room. The door was locked so we had no form of escape. I felt for an object but nothing was around me except the two lonely chairs, glued to the ground. My heart was beating at in unsteady speed, I grabbed for Justin's hand but he wasn't there.
Where was I?

Justin's P.O.V

Arguing constantly with Miley in order to leave us alone, I sense a weird form of emptiness. It hit me hard causing me to turn and acknowledge the fact that YN was gone. I looked around ad hushed Miley.


I did. But I didn't answer. I couldn't. She couldn't possibly be gone. Not again. Not now. Not when I needed her most. Baby. YN. Come back to me

New chapter up soon.

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