Vancouver - JOURNALS

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Journals - Vancouver

(YN's p.o.v)

I got up and stretched out a bit. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and yawned. I quickly took a shower and tied my hair up into a high bun. I put on some grey skinny jeans, a white and black shirt and white converse and went to wake Sally.

She was sleeping so peacefully, that I almost didn't want to wake her. I placed my hand on her head and stroked her hair cautiously. She fluttered her blue eyes open as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey princess. We're having an early start today, were gonna catch a flight, so come on.." I pleaded as I picked her up. She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, followed by me dressing her in a pink wooly jumber and black leggings. I let her hair out of her plaits and brushed it, tying it in a pony tail at the back. I zipped up her black boots and put on her coat. I picked up her 'Versace' backpack from Justin and placed it on her back as I gripped on to the suitcases. Sally grabbed her 'Tinkerbell' doll as we walked out to my car.

The minute we got to the airport, Sally got out and pointed at every single plane in amazement.

"THEY'RE SOOOOOOO BIG!!!" She shouted. I laughed as I placed an arm around her and said.

"You'll be in one of them soon." She giggled and took my hand as our body guard brought our suitcases. I picked her up as she tied her legs around me and I kissed her forehead.

*skip flight*

"They are so cool! I wanna go on it again!" I laughed as I tried keeping awake. Sally was up all the way through the flight, I guess she was just excited.

We pulled up to the house, it was pretty massive, and it looked kinda lonely. A man was standing next to Scooter and he looked kind of creepy.

"Hey scoot scoot!" Sally ran to Scooter hugging him tightly.

"Hey little S." He laughed as he kissed her cheek, holding her in his arms.

"Hi YN. Are you okay?" He questioned as he put Sally down.

"I'm better..." I smiled.

"YN, Sally, this is my cousin Michael, he owns this place, don't worry , he's friendlier than he looks." Scooter nudged Michael as he groaned.

We both smiled and said 'Hi' but he didn't even give us a glance. Oh well.


Scooter left us earlier and we had a nap. Sally in her own room with 'Tinkerbell' and me by myself on the top floor.

We got up and walked to the kitchen together as Sally sat down at the table playing with her dolls. I made Mac and Cheese and we both sat down and ate it.

"Is the concert tomorrow YN?" Sally asked whilst stuffing her face.

I nodded uncomfortably as I ate.

I got up and turned.


Michael was behind me with an axe as I backed away and grabbed Sally.

"Relax.. We need wood for the night right? We don't want to freeze to death."

I let out a fake smile and turned to wash the dishes, Sally gripping onto my leg.

"Okay, come on.. Time for bed." I told her as I picked her up. For a seven year old, she's pretty short and light so she's easy to pick up.

---Concert Day---

I woke up as Sally was jumping on me screaming about seeing Justin today.

"Come on YN!!!" She shouted.

"Morning to you too Sally." I giggled.

-2 hours later-

We both got out of my car and went in the arena. I held Sally close to me so she wouldn't get barged by the beliebers. We made our way next to the stage, which is a bad idea, I know it.

Then the lights dimmed out, causing screams and cries, which was actually such a great atmosphere.

Then a video of Justin crying came on with a speech.

"Everyone sees a different personality.... Some want to change me.. And some can't control themselves.. Stories.. Rumours and fake sources... All hinting at judgments.. But I.. I just want to be me..."

Then several pictures of me and him together, a slideshow of us, as he came on stage singing, in a black suit with a guitar.

"Girl you don't know how I feel.. Since you been away, oh baby,. Any chance that you could take my call? If I dialled you today.."

"Girl you say that you don't wanna talk but it's cool.. I've been thinking about you all day long, hoping you'd pick your phone.."

My heart stopped as I looked at him, pouring his heart out through music.

I guess I am a heart breaker...

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STUPID BORING CHAPTER I KNOW!!! Don't judge.. But hold tight for the next! ;) xx

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