Fire with Fire

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Fire with Fire

Justin's P.O.V

Falling on my knees, I pressurise my whole force on them, sensing Miley watching me.

"Where is she?" I clenched my jaw and grabbed Miley's coat violently making sure that she knew this symbolised a threat.

She giggled and tapped my nose with her index finger.
"Someone's gotten strong.." She said while chucking.
"What at you intending?" I raised an eyebrow and loosened my grip. I looked into her eyes and saw an innocent but demonic character which captured her feelings and changed them into actions. I threw her into the wall.
She looked at me surprised but also shocked. She pointed into deep black shades implying that there's a light switch. I turn away and head for the switch only to find something connecting to the back of my neck violently. The impact was huge, blood blurted out of my nose dramatically as I dodged falling on my face.
"You can't overtake me Bieber."
She kicked me harshly. I hissed in pain as I felt a bruise coming, she kicked again, which made me fall.
"Y/N!" I managed to say weakly before another kick came in finishing me.

Y/N's P.O.V

I heard an unstable voice call my name from the distance. Then my brain repeated it a few times before I acknowledged that it was Justin. I ran after it's various thoughts circled my mind. What could have happened? Is he in danger? Why did I LEAVE AGAIN?!

Tears were piling in my eyes quickly so my vision became blurry. I ran into a wall and dropped crying even harder. I found a flashlight. Turning it on I notice a mirror at the back. I was in a hallway.

Heading slowly towards the mirror I gasp at the gigantic cut that was on my cheek. Stinging away as my tears connected with it. Turning away I head after my lover.
"Hold on Justin, I'm coming." I whispered to myself. I suddenly experience an unexpected shiver and then freaky giggles behind me. I turn rapidly sensing the form of suspense. A figure ran behind me but it can't be Miley. Miley isn't that pale.

I turn again, heading down the steps to the front room. I notice Justin alone, laying on the floor. God please tell me that he's asleep.
I notice patches of blood on his white vest, his lip was split and he had multiple bruises.
"Oh Justin, please stay with me, c'mon! Baby! C'mon! Stay strong." I cried as I chocked on my words. Miley ran in with a sledge hammer making the atmosphere more tense. Justin's eyes shot open as he weakly stood up and took guard, defending me.
"Bieber out of my way, she's going down."

"No.. Kill me instead."

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