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YN's P.O.V

Waking up pretty sore, I turned my head towards the fluttering curtains as a beam of golden sunlight shined through the crack in the middle. My hair was flowing over my shoulders in soft curls as I brushed my hand through it. Justin's left arm was enveloped around me and almost immediately I felt a sense of warmth running through me as I acknowledged his little snores.

Instantly, my head snapped towards the clock as it flashed the numbers 14:36 indicating that we've overslept. I nudged him lightly and rolled over to peck his lips.

"Morning baby." He says.

"Good afternoon." I laugh.

Initially, his pupils widened. He dashed out of the bed and grabbed some clothes out of his closet.

"What's the rush babe?" I ask with my head still on the pillow.

"I have a meeting with the team today.. And I'm so fucking late."

"Why? What's going on?" I keep asking questions and I can tell he isn't really in the mood.

"I'll tell you later... I have to go now but I'll take you out to dinner tonight okay?" He kissed me and vanished out the door.

" okay. "

I sighed. Then got out of bed, put on a basic oversized T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I have no intentions of putting on make up today. Then I realised that the wedding invitations were due to arrive today.

A phone call interrupted my trail of thoughts. Then I realised Scooter was calling.

"Hey Scooter."

"Hey YN. I know this is late notice but Ellen wants you on the show at 5."

"Oh my god. That's amazing!"

"You can advertise your album!" He said excitedly.

"Yeah.. Okay."

"See you later!"

Then we hung up.

I rushed to have a shower, and Kenny picked me up and drove me to the set. There, Ally, my make up artist started on my face as Simone picked out my outfit. A hot pink dress and some gold shoes. Once that was done Kyle started on my hair. It was just light curls to match with my light pink lips.

I walked out on the set to greet Ellen and a very happy crowd.

"Welcome YN! Its great to see you!"

"You too Ellen, I'm so grateful to be here."

"Yeah well get used to it."

The crowd let out a chuckle and then the topic came up. Yep Justin.

"So how's the Biebs?"

"Ah haha he's good.."

"Good good. You guys are so cute.. Always kissing on each other and what not."

I burst out laughing in embarrassment.

"You know last time he was here.. We asked him for 2 words to describe you.. And he said 'beautifully elegant' "

The crowd sounded with awes as my cheeks reddened.

"Do you have 2 words to describe him.."


"My happiness." And a repeat from the crowd echoed again.

*skip to dinner*

I wore a white dress. With black pumps as my straight locks fled along my shoulders. Justin was behind me as I continued staring at myself in the mirror.

"You're so beautiful." I heard him say. He slowly paced towards me and folded his arms around my waist as he swayed me from side to side.

"Never leave me please." A whisper echoed in my ear as I turned to stare into his big brown eyes.

"You have my word." I say.

Out of his left pocket in his blazer, he brought out a grey blindfold. Carefully, he tied it across my eyes disabling my sight but I didn't ask any questions.

"Come along now babe." Cautiously he wrapped an arm around me as he led me to the car. He sat down in the back with me and be placed a hand over my thigh. He began trailing his hand up and down and I began biting my lip as I arched my back. A light snigger escaped his lips and I wish I would be able to see him right now. But I have this stupid blind fold on.

I wonder where we're going.....


A few minutes have passed and the car has stopped. My heart began racing as excitement filled my body. Justin's arm tied around me as he helped me out the car.

"Come on baby.."

We walked for about 5 minutes and then we stopped. He untied the blindfold and I gasped.


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I'm back guys. It's summer vacation so I'll update more.. My exams are finished for this year so I'm gonna focus on writing now. I missed this :(

-Adelina :)

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