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Justin's P.O.V

I place my arms around YN's waist as she envelopes hers around my neck. We sway from side to side as slow music played.

"I'm glad you forgave me, I can't believe you're in front or me right now." I said gazing into her beautiful eyes. She was truly amazing, there was nothing that I didn't love about her, her cute laugh, her smile was to die for and literally everything about her is beautiful!

------following morning

The clock struck 11am, I held YN in my arms as we were both cuddling in bed. I opened my eyes slowly to acknowledge her beauty in front on me. Her lips were slightly parted; I wanted to kiss them badly, but didn't want to wake her up.

"You are so beautiful" I whispered at her peacefulness as I brushed her hair behind her ear. She didn't budge so I started enclosing the space between us. I attacked her lips, and she suddenly woke up and pushed me off.

"What the heck?" She shouted as she licked her lips. I giggled and jumped back on the bed as I knocked her over so now she was on her back with me on top kissing her neck rhythmically. She was continuously laughing.


She questioned as I got off her and helped her up so she was in a sitting position.

"Why are we naked?" She laughed uncontrollably as my eyes widened. I suddenly spotted the two empty wine bottles that were on the bedside table. I gasped and bit my lip, interpreting what might have happened.

"Babe..wait here."

I jumped off the bed and grabbed my chinos and black v-necked t-shirt. I put on a SnapBack and a chain, and then reached down to tie my laces. She laid down on her back giggling as she played with her boobs. I won't lie, it was a turn on but all I did was smirk and help myself out. I bounced down the stairs as quickly as I could trying not to trip over my feet like I normally do. I grab my skateboard and head to the local shop. Luckily there were no paps to follow me otherwise I would have flipped.

I skate to the shop and do a technique. ;) I now end up with my skateboard in my hand but anyway..

I enter the store and go to the medical section, I grab three pregnancy tests and some morning after pills. I keep my head down as I pay so the lady don't recognise me. I thank her and leave.

As soon as I get back to YN's house she is in the kitchen in a sexy nightgown.
"Ahh.. Morning."

"Hey beautiful.. Listen we gotta talk."
She leaned on the counter as I started humming PYD.

"Justin cut it out and spill it!"
She wasn't completely sober because before she sat down on the counter she missed it and nearly fell.

"Now, I'm only interpreting this.. So it might not be true, but let's give it a go."

She looked at me with a confused expression.

"What are you talking about?"

I opened the bag and she gasped.

"We had..?"

"Maybe, we were drunk."

"Oh fuck." She sighed and grabbed a pregnancy test out the bag. She kissed my cheek and bit her lip. I kissed her back and sang-

"Everything will be alright."

She smirked and felt anxious again.

"Here we go.." As she headed to the bathroom.


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Guys I'm writing a new book "PYD" check it out on my profile. It's completely different but it's still a YN based story. Hope you like it.

And you didn't expect this did you? ;) the next couple of chapters will be tragic. #getready #soon

+promise it won't be Justin's 'soon'
++ comment what you think will happen.

+++ love ya dolls
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ xx

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