Love Will Remember

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Love Will Remember

YN's P.O.V

I woke up in an unexpected place, and it felt so closed in and dark. My head was buzzing as I tried turning but there was no use as there was no space available.

"HELP!" I screamed. My voice cracked as light suddenly shined in my face exposing a bright figure. I couldn't make out who they were at first but as my eyes got used to the brightness, I could easily make out a bitch. Yup. Chantel.

"Why... Look who woke up!" She squealed sarcastically. My arms and legs were tied back and my back was aching like hell.

"Why do you do this?" I managed to say. I was weak and somewhat out of breath. She immediately sniggered as her teeth came into focus. She laughed and untied my arms and legs.

"You may go. But never come round here again. Understood?" Her painful expression struck my mind as I nodded and began walking away. I stroked my wrists and dusted my trousers from the dirt. I turned my head around to notice her standing in front of her car, cross armed, glaring at me. I carried on walking until I got to my old house. Tears flooded my eyes as I ran upstairs and jumped on my old bed, crashing my face into a pillow. There was no sign of my parents, meaning they must've stayed in Chicago. I stood up with tears streaming down my face and studied my surrounding. I noticed my old picture frames, with me and my parents. Then I noticed, on my bookshelf, a key. I stared at it baffled, I took it in my hands and glanced over it, studying every detail. It had a symbolic meaning. Then something in my brain clicked. I rushed up to the attic, which was dusty and disgusting. But I set my eyes on a large box. I blew the dust off it and grabbed it. I walked back to my room with it, setting it on the floor beside me. I took the lid off and gasped in amazement and sorrow.

In front of me, there were several pictures of me and Justin, printed pictures of our hands interlocked between them, us on the beach when we were 15, and us dancing together at the prom. I had a purple dress on and he had a matching tie. We were both smiling widely and laughing. Another tear trailed down my cheek as I watched his warming smile. I picked out another frame and saw me on a swing and him pushing me, both laughing and smiling again. I sniffled and thought about calling him, but there's no way he'll answer me. I know it. Chantel did this.

I placed all the pictures together on my desk and all around my room. Vancouver. So many memories.

Justin's P.O.V

I woke up noticing Chantel sleeping beside me, but she already had make up on and was fully dressed.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I asked as she fluttered her eyes open.

"Oh HEY JUSTY!" She jumped at me with wide arms. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek as she laughed.

"Let's go for a ride after we get breakfast." I said smiling at her.

"Sure, I don't mind at all." She smiled back as her dimples came into focused. She noticed me staring so she blushed awkwardly as I giggled.

"Someone's blushing." I laughed.

"Stop embarrassing me." She said sweetly trying to avoid eye contact.

"It's cool babe. It's cute." I tried making her feel more comfortable but all I did was actually make her blush more.

I unlocked my phone as she went to make breakfast for both of us and I noticed a few misleading trends.



I laughed okay? Aren't I allowed to? But she's the one that stood me up. Not me. Especially on Valentines day. I'm mad at her still. She didn't even call to apologise or tell me what happened.

YN's P.O.V

After staring at our pictures for what seemed like forever, I gained the courage to call Scooter.

"Hey Scooter."

"Hey baby girl, are you okay?"

"Not really."

"Aww. I'm sorry honey."

"Hey um.. Listen.. This may seem a little early but..."

"Yeah carry on.."

"I'm full of inspiration. I think I'm ready to write a song."

"I like where this is going. Where are you?"


"Okay, I'll grab the next flight there, I'm in Vegas. I'll see you soon."

"Thanks Scooter, you're amazing."

"Bye baby girl.. Love you."

"Love you too.. Bye."

I hung up and got excited. Sally rushed to me and hugged me whilst jumping up and down at the thought of Scooter coming.

"Uncle Scoot!!!"

"Yup. The big S."

"I'm his little S."

"I know." We both laughed at the weirdest nicknames. She brought her big stuffed panda that Justin won for her at a fair and played tea party with it. His name is Mojo. Haha.


I heard a knock on my front door so I got up from the TV and rushed to it. I opened it a as Scooter stood on the porch and greeted me with wide arms.

"HEYYY!" I jumped in his arms as he stroked my curly long hair. I was wearing high waisted dark indigo denim jeans from American Apparel and a white and black patterned sleeveless crop top which fit my chest perfectly. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, clutched my black Versace handbag and put on a pair of black pumps. I held Sally's hand as we all walked to my black BMW X6 and drove to a studio. Obviously paparazzi following me like crazy.

I parked near by and got out, camera men flashing their technology in my face as I played cool and tried ignoring them. I held Sally in my arms as I entered the studio with Scooter. Yay. Tomorrow's headline.

"So what have you been thinking this track would sound like?"

"I've already made the beat. I'm ready to add lyrics and record it now." I stated as I walked into the recording room as Danny put on his headphones ready to make this track perfect.

I started singing my song. (Love will remember by Selena Gomez)

"Now all we've got..
And time can't be bought
I know it inside my heart
Forever will forever be ours
Even if we try to forget
Love will remember"

Scooter gasped as I walked out of the recording room and hugged me.

"It's so beautiful! "

"Great cause I have so many more ideas. Maybe an album!"

"I can't wait!"


-After single was released-

I got an unexpected call....

And yes... It's from you know who.


"Erm..we need to talk."


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Sorry didn't update guys. But I'm better now. :) will update more since it's half term. Happy Saturday. :))

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