Part Deux - Los Angeles

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Part Deux - Los Angeles

Justin's P.O.V

Feeling her arms around my torso was a great feeling to have. Especially when I'm in front of a crowd, it just makes me feel happy that I don't have to hide anymore. The darkness finally faded as YN ran off stage and I had to continue the show. I was in a great mood.. And I wanted all my beliebers to feel the same.

I brought the microphone to my lips once again and let out a faint giggle. I could feel YN's eyes staring at me from backstage as the single spotlight shines on me.

"I don't know how many guys are out there in the crowd tonight... But... I need you all to listen to me right now.."

After a few moments of screaming, silence fell and I could see thousands of eyes staring straight back at me.

"This is for the guys out there... How many of you have or had a person in your life that you would want to sacrifice anything for?"

Screams and shouts echoed the arena as a confirmation. So I continued...

"Well.. I've always lived by a saying.. And I've actually suffered through life because of my mistakes and stupid actions that I still regret to this day. But I'm human so of course that is expected.. But it can also be prevented."

At this moment, I knew exactly what was going through YN's head. Normally, she wouldn't let me do this.. Expose and humiliate myself in front of my fans. But I had to.. They're my family after all.

"Never ever take that person that you love for granted. Trust me. One day you're going to see her holding hands with someone who took your chance. And that person you love won't even notice you because she's too busy laughing at the stupid jokes he makes. And it will burn your heart seeing that beautiful smile on her face and realising that you're not the reason anymore. And then it will hit you; it was her. It was always her......"

Thousands of awes echoed the surrounding and I felt like a heavy weight was lifted off my chest.

"I'm telling you this from the heart. I don't wanna see any of my princesses hurt..or taken for granted. And I've had a lot to learn from that. Especially from my queen."

Then the music started playing and I started singing Recovery. It actually fit into my speech perfectly.

*skip to end of concert*


YN's P.O.V

Watching my baby perform tonight was amazing.. And emotional. I was backstage with Usher when a pair of arms tied around my waist and a sweaty Justin connected his lips with my cheek.

"You did great babe." I tell him. He smiles at me and I know what he wants. He wants me to comment on his inspirational speech about loved ones.

"I loved it Justin. You've got a kind heart. That's why I love you. And mostly it came from here and I can tell that." I pointed to his heart as he enveloped his hand around mine. He planted a kiss on my forehead and ran his fingers through my hair as I hugged him.

"Good work JB. You see? Wasn't that hard."

Justin nodded and hugged him too.

"Let's go home babe.. "

He led me to his Lamborghini and I let him drive it. Tons of paps surrounded us as we dodged them trying to get back home.


He unlocked the door and let me in first. He helped me take my jacket off and hung it up. The whole time... We were staring into each others eyes..

"I can't wait until you're mine... My Mrs Bieber." He said whilst smiling. He picked me up, bridal style and led me up to our room.

The lights were dimmed and he kept them that way. He laid me down on the bed and climbed on top. He left a trail of kisses down my neck and he kept going.

He then stopped and looked at me in the eye.


"Yes babe?"

"Let me make love to you..."


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