Open Up To Me

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Open Up To Me

YN's P.O.V

My phone continued ringing but I didn't answer. I wasn't ready. I know he's calling about the song, because obviously it's about him but....

I can't.

But then it wouldn't stop. So I gave in and answered.

"Hello?" My voice cracked.

"Hello YN. Long time no speak." My heart stopped at the sound of his voice, I missed him. My Justin.

"I know. I um... How's it going?" I tried enlightening the conversation but his voice dropped it back down again.


"Oh um.. Well that's great then."

Most awkward conversation ever.

"Listen... I've missed you."

"Oh." Don't give in YN. DON'T GIVE IN TO HIM!

"I missed you too." I felt tears building up in my eyes as I mouthed the words instead of saying them. He heard me sniffle as his soft voice sounded again.

"YN? Are you okay?"

I ended the call unexpectedly, rushed upstairs into my room and collapsed on the bed in sobs. My heart was pounding fast. I had adrenaline rushes as I chucked all my pillows around my room and ripped off the bed sheets. My phone continued ringing so I chucked it against a wall and descended to floor crying my eyes out.

Justin's P.O.V

Well that was weird. YN never ends my calls like that. She would never because I know her. Before flying to Miami for the next concert, I left Chantel with Za and Fredo. I hopped into my white Lamborghini and drove to her house. I knocked on the door several times but there was no answer. I rushed round the back, climbed the tree and landed on her balcony. Her door was wide open as the purple satin curtains blew out towards me.

I walked in and studied her room noticing tons of pictures of us when we were together. These weren't here before. I sighed and spotted her on her bed crying. Pillows and feathers scattered everywhere as I picked one up. The purple satin one I gave her. With our faces on it. I walked towards her bed as she suddenly turned and gasped.

"Justin? What are you doing here?" She asked trying hard not to look at me.

"What's wrong?" I sat beside her and watched her face. I enveloped her in my arms and rubbed her back as she cried on my shoulder.

"Nothing. You shouldn't be here." She got up but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back down on the bed.

"YN? What's happened?" I insisted.

"I'm fine."


"Leave me alone please."

"Not until you stop crying. It breaks my heart and you know that."

"What heart Justin? If you had a heart you wouldn't have moved on so easily."

"Is that the problem?"


"Open up to me, it's all you gotta do, give me all your heart, I'll swap mine out with you..." I sang to her as she started crying again.

"Justin that doesn't help." She sobbed.

"Oh! Eye for an eye, remember when I told you, wipe your pretty eyes, dry them on my shoulder, you ain't gotta try, try to get closer." I continued.

She crashed on the pillow and cried loudly. I enclosed my arms around her waist and laid my head on her back, still listening to her heart beat.

"You said you loved me, I said I loved you back, what happened to that? What happened to that? All your promises and all them plans we had, what happened to that? What happened to that?"

I watched her as she sang and I felt my eyes watering.

"Boom gone, we move on, even if we try to forget, love will remember you, and love will remember me.. I know it inside my heart, forever will forever be ours, even if we try and forget.. Love will remember."

I started tearing up and she noticed. But she continued.

"Break down the walls let heaven in, somewhere in forever we'll dance again.. We used to be inseperable.. I used to think that I was irreplaceable."

" I'm so sorry YN." I spoke as I felt my voice crack.

"Yeah, but it's over." She said which tore through my heart. Her words and tone were like an arrow shot into me.

"How do you know when it's over?" I asked her whilst suffering.

"Maybe when you feel more in love with your memories than with the person standing in front of you."

And that response broke me. I was finished. I gushed out into tears as she left me abandoned in her room. To be honest she's right. I moved on to Chantel whilst she was broken. And look at me now... I'm sorry YN. I'm such a jerk. I don't deserve you.

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Justin I love youuuuuuuuu ❤️❤️❤️

Guys list some new ideas. I'm running out :/ blehh

Thanks for the support and comments! I read all of them! I love you guys.

- Adelina :) xo

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