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YN's P.O.V

I stare into my mothers eyes as she shifts away from the door allowing us entrance. The house has changed. A lot. The pink and blue fairy lights have vanished and all the plants have disappeared. The theme is vintage. Most of the house is brown, before it was many different colours. I scan the place and then I feel a warm presence. Justin moved in behind me and grabbed my hand and my waist. I instantly snapped my head round and saw my mom glaring at him whilst leaning on the kitchen door, cross-armed.

"Hello YN." She sighs. I nod in return and turn towards Justin as I hug him tightly. I hear my mom clear her throat as Justin started:

"Ma'am... I really want to settle this."

"Settle what?" She said raising her eyebrows.

"The hate that you have towards me. Yes I'm not perfect, I understand that.. But no one is. We all make mistakes and wrong choices but one thing I'm sure of is that forgiveness is the key." Justin explained.

"Justin you haven't done anything that requires an apology. I just didn't want my baby girl to get hurt. But now I get it. You both love each other and that's no doubt. I realised that I was the one hurting her. Both of you in fact. So I'm truly sorry." She said with tears in her eyes. She hugged Justin tightly as he looked at me in amazement and shock. I nodded in agreement as he hugged her back.

"Does this mean you'll give us your blessing?" I ask playfully. She nods and hugs me tight as she seems suddenly excited.

"I can't believe you both traveled all the way back here from Hawaii..." She exclaimed.

"We'll believe it or not.. But pack your bags cause you're coming too." I laugh as her eyes widened.


"Well me and Justin agreed that we want to hold our wedding there... So..."

"Honey that's amazing... I couldn't thank you two enough." She pulled us both into a group hug and I rubbed her back.

"Oh.. By the way.. Dads walking me down the aisle." I smiled.

She gasped.

"HOW DID YOU CONVINCE HIM? I've been trying to get him to come round for ages and he always rejects my invitation."

"Well I would too knowing that you have a boyfriend."

"Oh Tom?"

I nodded.

"He can come too mom!"

She laughed and led us to the kitchen.

"Anything you guys want to eat?"

"We'll stay for dinner but then we have to leave.." Justin explained.

"Where? You've just arrived." My moms voice softened.

"Los Angeles."

"But that's so far."

"We've got a plane to catch at 11pm. It's only 6 so we've got some time." I tried making her feel better but it seemed like it wasn't working.

"But you could've at least stayed a few days." She said almost in tears.

"Yeah but we've got so many invitations to make, we're visiting everyone and then we have to go back to Hawaii for the wedding." I said.

"Okay.. I love you both. Take care please?" She pleaded.

We all ate some bacon burgers and fries. We said our goodbyes and left for the airport. Heading to LA, where Justin's mansion lies. I'm so excited to be returning.


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