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What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas
------------------------------------------------ PART 1

Za's P.O.V
Let's just say it was a wild night...So extravagant that no one remembers anything or even how it started.

"Guys! Wake the hell up and tell me exactly what you see..." I scanned through the penthouse which now held a very strong resemblance with a barn. Feathers were scattered along the floor, some even stuck to it with the help of whiskey. The scent was horrible, a mixture of vomit and alcohol was in the air, attacking my nose and making me eager to puke. The quietness was interrupted brutally by the sound of Ryan's snores which actually could be interpreted as someone choking.
The sight of the place was the worst. There were empty beer cans everywhere and toilet roll trailing to the bathroom, somewhat like a pathway.

Chaz woke up almost horrified. He inspected the setting with a startled look

"Za? Am I dreaming? Or am I still drunk?" He exclaimed, gesturing towards the destroyed walls that now had red splashes of wine scattered all over.

Ryan, who was in the corner; sleeping on half tattered mattress, didn't budge at all.

Khalil was already awake, but something was wrong. On his left cheek, a massive red and green dragon was tattooed on, and you could tell he wasn't happy about it.

"I'm gonna kill Ryan. Where is this fucking bitch boy?" His expression was so stern and full of aggression and cruelty.

None of us replied except our heads automatically turned in Ryan's direction, making it blatantly obvious where he was.

Khalil immediately stormed in that direction, aiming a kick straight in Ryan's stomach. Promptly and almost unexpectedly, Ryan's eyes shot open and gasped for air.

"Dude? What in the name of Christ are you doing?" These words barely escaped Ryan's mouth as already he was halfway in the air, clutched by his collar.

"Look at my cheek you fucking shit! You've done this!"

"Well...if I must say..that is one fine ass dragon!"

Khalil instantly slapped him on the wall, gawking deeply into his eyes in a threatening way.

"Don't play dumb with me you fuck. You're gonna pay."

Bringing up his fist to strike Ryan, Fredo pulled him away.

"Can you two stop acting like retards and help me find Justin?"

"I'm not finished yet with this idiot."

"Oh so you'd rather knock him out and achieve nothing or find the fucking groom for tomorrow's wedding...Cause apparently... Come correct.. He doesn't seem to be here!" Alfredo raised his tone.

My mind was buzzing with different possibilities. What exactly happened last night? Why can't we remember anything whatsoever? And most importantly.. Why did we lose Justin?

"Everyone search your pockets for clues. Any piece of information is vital right now. YN is gonna kills us all!" Fredo said.

I dug into my left pocket and found a piece of paper with a number written on it.
"Guys? This might come in handy.. But I don't know who's it is!" After I informed them on my findings, Khalil grabbed the paper and dialled the number.

"Oh hey baby! I knew you would call back!"

Our minds were blank. The female voice didn't sound familiar at all.

"Hello? Ma'am? We've got a few questions..."

"Sure hun.. Oh and don't call me ma'am, but aw bless my little baby.."

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