She's confident

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She's confident

Justin's P.O.V

Hopping into my white Ferrari, I head for the club, picking up Miley on the way. Paps were behind us but I didn't care. I took out a spliff and smoked it right in front of them. Then the middle finger followed.
Miley linked arms with me as I nodded at lil twist and lil wayne. We exchanged glances and entered the club. Each had about 4 shots one after the other then added a couple beers. I spotted a girl. She was perfect.

"Ayo babe!"

She looked at me weirdly but then smiled.

"Hey bieber. What brings you here?"

"Your beauty."

I laughed as she smirked and blushed.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"


She nodded.

"Nope." I hesitated but gained confidence.

She smiled and grabbed my neck and kissed me. Damn her lips were so soft and perfect. I wanted her. So badly.

We parted and I looked at her face.

"What's your name babe?"


I gasped and elasticated my eyes wide open.

"Something wrong?"


How could I fall for her again? Selena. She was such a bad influence when I dated her. But something about her changed. I guess she's different.

"I'm surprised to see you here Sel." I pointed out.

She giggled and spoke.

"What? Just cause my reputation is good means that I can't have some fun?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she laughed. Her red lips. Damn.

She quickly grabbed my hand and led me outside.

"You ready?"

I was so confused.

"Say you love me justin! Shout it!" She laughed.

"I LOVE SELENA GOMEEEZZZ!!! She's a beauty!"


(Y/N's P.O.V)

Staring at my tv. Trying to take in what has just been said. Was he being serious? He's back with Selena? How??? She's hurt him more than me?!

That's it Justin.

I grabbed my phone and found his name.

"From YN. To: Justin Bieber

Two can play.


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