Right Here

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Right Here. - listen to flatline while reading for extra emotive feeling.
-------------- & ITS MY BIRTHDAAAAAAYYYYYYYY 02/01/2014

YN's P.O.V

I pull up next to Justin's car. Desperation struck as my breathing was heavy and my heart was beating out of my chest. I spot him in the traffic, arms out as the rays of the sun shined on him. His face was blank, and his heart was shut down. He was out of control.

I rushed towards him as he stepped off the bridge. I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me causing us both to descend to the floor. He slowly opened his eyes and a tear trailed down his left cheek.

"Am I in heaven because I only see an angel."

I blushed at his poetic language as I held him tighter.

"Justin don't ever do that again. I didn't mean anything. It was all a prank because I knew you'd come find me, but I took it too far, please forgive me."

He paused and gazed into my eyes as I spoke, their brown shade connecting with mine and creating butterflies in my stomach. But it's been a long time, am I still experiencing love? Or is it a crush? No it's love.

Helping him up, he shook a little as he wrapped an arm around my neck as I helped him to my car. I placed him in the back seat, lying down on his back. He ran his hands on his face and looked back at me.

"Take me home and we'll talk."

A dead serious expression was forced upon his face. I nodded and started my car.

(En route Justin's house)

One we get there, I help him out the car as he placed an arm around my shoulder. Taking him inside we both stopped in the hallway as he started scanning my body and face with his eyes.

"YN have you got taller?"

Confusion struck me as I looked at him weirdly.

"Ermm I dunno why?"

"Because yesterday you were just at my shoulder, but now you're on my mind."

I blushed unexpectedly at him, but then his smile lit up my world. Then his beautiful voice sounded again.

"Or have you gotten shorter?"

Confusion hit me again, leaving me speechless. But I replied with an unfortunate answer.

"I dunno haha, why?"

"Because a minute ago you were on my mind, but now you're on my heart." He said.

I blushed once more but this time my heart skipped a beat. I felt my eyes widen as breathing became intense and almost impossible.

"YN I love you so much I wish you could return it."

His voice was shaky and timid almost as if he was about to cry.

"Jay, of course I can return it.. But you've got to win me back."

He paused.

"Then it's my job to please you."

I blushed again at his wannabe English accent. He was so cute when he tried.

"My lady, (YN) (YLN), would you do me the honour?"

He held out his hand and I took the chance. He held me tight and led me to the car.

We drove for about an hour, I got so pissed off and angry at the paparazzi following us.

Justin speeded off and we finally arrived at a hotel. He parked his car and got out and opened the door for me as he reached out a hand, helping me out.

We walked to the reception while covering our faces from the paps. Tomorrow's story line will be us. I bet you.

Justin picked me up after he checked us in, I stated laughing hysterically. He led me to a room on the top floor and opened the door.

I gasped. Red rose petals were scattered everywhere over the bed, the curtains were linen, and there was a table in the middle of the room which had a vase of roses. Candles everywhere, and the room had no light except them.

"Justin this is so beautiful." My eyes started watering as he walked towards me.

"I'm gonna make you remember this, forever." He winked and we locked lips.

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Who had a great New Year's Eve??? I have. Been up until 9 in the morning. Now it's my birthday so I dunno if I'll update again today.. But hope you all have a great day and sorry for this boring chapter LOOOOOOOL.

A xx

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