I Love Him & I Love Her

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I Love Him & I Love Her.

YN's P.O.V

As soon as we've reached our house, I sighed in relief. I was happy to be back, it felt like a heavy weight being lifted off my chest. So much has happened. I still can't acknowledge the fact that I'm engaged.

I walk into the living room and drop my keys on the coffee table. I scan around the room but everything was untouched. No sign of life anywhere.

"Babe? Let's get some sleep!" Justin wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek as he swayed me from side to side. I nodded frankly and followed him to our bedroom. He was the first to leap on the bed, he stripped his shirt off and snuggled in the pillows. I smiled at his cuteness and jumped in the bed next to him. I felt his arms tighten around my waist as he pulled me closer so that our foreheads basically touched. He sighed and kissed my nose.

"I love you." He whispered softly. His lips were a faint pink, yet so moist and perfect.

"I love you more." I gripped onto his neck and pulled him in for a kiss before both of us drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up first. Justin was snoring softly which warmed my heart. I squeezed out of his grip, being careful not to wake him. Opening the door gently I pause. Silence. Just Justin's faint snores meaning that I haven't woken him. Feeling relieved, I investigated around the house. I picked up the laundry basket and unpacked the suitcases, throwing everything in the wash. Then I walked around the house to see if anything else was scattered around that needed washing. Nothing. But what I did find, was another door. I've never seen it before, and to my surprise it was unlocked. I grabbed the door knob and twisted it. As I pulled the door towards me, a scent of roses hit me, then when the door was fully open, I gasped.

A double bed was in the middle of the room. Red wallpaper and two windows at the end. In the middle, another door, which was glass. Perhaps it's a balcony. An acoustic guitar was to my left and a piano to my right. Then I scanned across the walls, millions of printed pictures of me and him, prom night, our very first date, summer vacations... Even the little moments, when we were both laughing like crazy. I felt a tear trail down my cheek but I immediately brought my hand into action and wiped it away.

Walking into the room, I see various vases of red and white roses scattered here and there almost in a pattern. Each bouquet holding a piece of coloured card in between the flowers. There were notebooks everywhere... Candles and rose petals. A trail of fairy lights, and tons of picture frames. Another guitar was laid on the bed, untouched next to a purple notepad with a crown on it. I sat down on the bed and opened it, I immediately recognised the writing. Justin's. It was his lyric book. He had doodles around the corners of where he wrote heartbreaker and a clipped on picture of me and him. I smiled at it as I turned the pages. Trailing my fingers across the margins I realise how lucky I am to have him.

I unlock the doors to the balcony and notice a couch to my right and a recording microphone. It was like a mini studio but cuter. Fairy lights were out here too. And a vase of red and white roses in the middle of the coffee table.

Why hasn't Justin told me about this? It's beautiful. Every inch of this room. I smiled to myself and went back into the room. I picked up the laundry basket and started for the door when it unexpectedly sprung open.

"YN?" Justin's sweet voice filled me up with joy as he entered the room. His eyes immediately widened as he bit his bottom lip.

"Babe! You weren't meant to see this! It's not finished yet." He explained as he slightly blushed.

I smiled at him warmly.

"Justin this is beautiful. I'm absolutely speechless. I'm obsessed with this room!" I run my eyes down the walls of pictures and I place the laundry basket down and walk towards one that has caught my eye.

"Baby?" I call. I study the picture hard. It was a picture of me. I had no make up on, I was on holiday with my parents, my hair was completely curly and I wore a pair of pink pyjamas.

"Where did you get this?" I ask him as he comes and stands behind me, admiring the photograph.

"It's from your scrapbook. I thought you wouldn't notice when I took it but.. I just thought it was so beautiful."

His eyes met mine instantly, a smile was slapped across his face and mine too. He pecked my lips and held my hand, leading me onto the bed.

"I want to show you something."

He reached for his guitar and started singing a song so beautiful, but I've never heard it before.

"Sometimes it's hard to face reality...oh oh.."

"Justin that was amazing." I exclaim.

He sniggered but didn't hesitate to look at me.

"You're my end and my beginning... Even when I loose I'm winning."


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A friendly shoutout to Vaania Khan (vanu03) for the support of this book. I hope you enjoy the rest of it!

And as for everyone else... I just want to tell you all how much I love you. You guys are basically inspiring me to write more and you make me smile everyday with your lovely comments. A massive thank you to all of you out there who support me and my books, I love you all!

Adelina xo

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