You Were Right

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You Were Right



"Justin stop, you're scaring Sally."

"Babe, I can't let you go near him, especially with Sally."

"Give me a valid reason why not?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Just because.. Promise me you won't go near him."

"I'm not promising anything, he seems like a nice man..." I lied.

I grabbed Sally's hand and walked out, rushing towards my car.

"Come on Princess." Sally climbed in with a shocked expression.

I climbed in the other side and started my car.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked her to which she was just sitting in her chair, stuck to it.

"Mommy I want daddy to come." She said still facing forward. I was freaked out by the way she called me and Justin but that wasn't what I was mainly worried about.

"I know daddy will protect us!" She started crying.

"Baby no...nothing's gonna happen.. Everything will be alright." I tried calming her down, but it didn't work. Then I got a text from Justin.

From: Justin To: YN
"Babe I'm telling you now, under any circumstances DO NOT GO TO THE HOUSE. IM WARNING YOU"

Oh my, what seems to be the problem?! He didn't provide me with any reason not to go, so I don't see why.

I pull up next to the house and unbuckle Sally's seatbelt. She climbs out the car and rushes towards me , grabs my hand and holds it tightly.

We walk in the house and a scent of petrol hit me, then I see Michael coming in with a chainsaw.

"Hi Michael. Thank you ever so much for letting us stay in your house. And as a thank you, how about a nice dinner eh?"

He scrunched his face up but then nodded, putting his chainsaw down and coming to the table.

"Mister Michael.. You're a nice man aren't you?" I glared at Sally to stop but she continued.

Michael looked at her weirdly.

"Listen kid, I don't care what people say about me." He groaned.

I brought out the stew from the oven and placed it on the table with plates and utensils.

"Here Sally." I placed her food in front of her as she started eating.

*skip dinner*

We all finished eating and suddenly Michael got up and said.

"I'm going bed, none of you disturb me or else.."

Me and Sally looked at each other as she nodded and gave me the 'I told you so' look.

Then Michael burst out laughing.

"I'm only messing kids, you should have seen the look on your faces."

Then he walked up the stairs laughing.

"Mommy let's go to daddy's house."

"Honey daddy's on tour. We have to stay here. Now come on, it's bed time." I bathed her and tucked her in bed, I kissed her forehead and placed Tinkerbell next to her.

"Night Sally."

"Night Mommy."

I smiled at the way she called me 'mommy' it feels like she loves me and Justin.

I walked into my room, had a quick shower and then opened my laptop.

I skyped Leila as several hours passed.

*6 hours later*

I suddenly heard shuffling and giggling outside my door. I sighed and got out of bed.

"Hold on Leila, I think Sally's up."

"But it's 4am!"

"I know."

I shot towards the door and twisted the door knob. Darkness erupted down the corridor as I called out.


No reply.

"Sally you should be in bed." I said as I shuffled towards her room. I opened the door and she was in bed, the way I left her.

Confusion struck me as I shut the door quietly, but then I heard giggles again.

"Michael?" I called, but no answer.

"I'm not playing games." I said. I heard shuffling behind me and I turned horrified.

No one was there.

I walked down the stairs and I heard laughter. I looked up and a figure was standing there. My eyes widened as I shot down the stairs hearing footsteps behind me. The cold floor connected with my warm body as I ran, hiding under the table and behind the chairs.

"Oh YN??? Where are you?"


"Your precious little boyfriend told you to stay away didn't he?"

He laughed loudly as my sniffles echoed in the room.

He turned and looked at me straight in the eye. I gasped as he evilly grinned.

"Please no!" I cried as he rushed towards me with the chainsaw.

"No ones here to save you." He laughed.

"Oh I'll tell Scooter about this." I threatened.

"If you escape hahahaha" he laughed.

"Which you won't." He continued as he grinned and grabbed me by the legs and dragged me down the stairs.

"LEAVE MEEE ALONE!!" I hesitated but he didn't reply. His strong muscly arms held my legs tight as he dragged me to the basement.

"No ones gonna find you here haha."

"Why are you doing this?" I cried.

"It's what I live for."

Then Sally ran down the stairs.


"You were right Jay.." I whispered to myself.

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