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(Y/N's) P.O.V

After 10 hours of flying, I've finally landed at London Gatwick airport. Beliebers were everywhere, rushing to me to take a picture and some of them just sighed and hugged me. Justin was on my mind constantly while my mom was in denial. We hopped in a taxi which took us to my university.

-----45 mins later--------

"(Y/N) we're here.." Mom gasped at the size of the building.

A tall man appeared in a grey suit and pink tie, he must be the principal.

"Ahh! Welcome (Y/N) it's such a pleasure to have you here. My name is Mr Ferguson.. Follow me to your dorm please!"

We followed him through tons of stairs and thousands of doors.. I was out of breath let alone my mom. We entered room 976 where 2 blonde girls were talking.

"Georgia! Get out!" Mr Ferguson called. She was a feisty one. Her pink crop top was super tight and outlined her chest, and she had some denim shorts on with heeled sandals. Let's not mention the amount of make up she was wearing. The other girl crossed her arms and smiled sheepishly.

"You must be (Y/N)... I'm Leila Jones..Nice to meet you."

I nodded and placed my bags next to my bed shyly. I went to hug my mom goodbye as I won't be seeing her much anymore. I hate goodbyes.

"You two will be absolutely fine together! I'll see you girls at dinner!" Mr Ferguson said. He shut the door on his way out and left me alone with Leila.

"So..... You're Justin Bieber's girlfriend?" She raised an eyebrow.

I fake smiled and nodded.

"Well I was..." I felt the walls caving in when I spoke. She immediately noticed and turned away.

I brought out my phone and turned it on, noticing Justin smiling at me.

"Oh! Um well.... He sent you these." She brought a bouquet of red roses, some chocolate and an envelope. I jumped and grabbed them only to notice her peeking over my shoulder.

"I'm sorry... I just love him too." She sighed. Her words echoed through my head, and I immediately felt the envy.

"You best stay away from him."

"Dude chill! It's not like I'll ever meet him. Geeez." She got up and left me alone in the dorm, accompanying Georgia and her mates.

Opening the envelope, a note dropped out, I suddenly opened it and sighed at the words.


I'm hurting at the thought that you aren't with me anymore, your laugh and smile is missed. I'm all alone in this big world without a purpose in life. You were my shining star and you helped me live my dream. The dream of having you by my side. I miss you so much. I can't eat and I can't sleep without you near. You kept me strong through everything but now that's all different. I'll lose it if I don't see you, I need you. I hope you understand. I love you with all my heart! I miss you so much! And I hope you love the roses ;)

Jay x


What happened to Justin? You're gonna find out soon! Haha



A x

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