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Justin's P.O.V

I was awaken by my phone ringing, it was 4:45 am and YN was calling.

I knew it, she's in trouble. I answered quickly as I heard her broken voice filled with misery and regret.

"Justin.. I'm so sorry.. I should've listened. I'm so so sorry. Please come, and bring back up. The phsyco is on the loose and he'll come soon." - she cried over the phone.

"I'm coming, is Sally okay?"

No answer.

"Justin.. Come quickly."

And then the phone went dead.

I threw on some baggy leather trousers and a black vest top. My black supras and a denim jacket. I tied a green bandana around my head and whispered.

"It's show time. Get ready Michael.. I'm coming for ya."

I opened a cabinet on my tour bus where we kept all of our emergency equipment. And by that I mean guns.

I called Ryan, Chaz, Twist, Za, Wayne and Fredo as we all loaded our guns and looked like gangsters.
We all got into our cars and drove to Michael's house. We all climbed out of our cars, grabbed our guns and rounded in a circle.

"Ok here's the plan guys, Ryan and Chaz, you go look for Sally upstairs while Fredo, Wayne and Twist round up mister shit face and me and Za will go and look for YN."

They all nodded and separated as I sighed loudly.

"Let's do this." I said as I ran in with Za. We went into the kitchen but it was empty, and then we went into the living room.. Nothing.

Then a random trap in the floor was open and stairs led the way. I signalled Za to go first and he nodded. Slowly and cautiously we climbed down the stairs as I spotted YN in a corner with cuts and bruises everywhere. I gasped and rushed towards her as I embedded her in my arms. Dry tears spilled on her face as her red eyes were puffy. Her bottom lip was swollen and her left eye was bruised.

"Baby. Who did this?"

"M..Michael." She struggled to say as I tightened my grip around her and hugged her helpless body. She hissed in pain as I loosened the tightness.

Ryan's P.O.V

Running up the stairs an open door caught my eye. I rushed towards it with my gun pointing in front of me, straight aim and everything, Chaz struggling behind me we hear laughter coming from the room. Michael was laying on the bed with YN's laptop pouring water all over it, whilst holding a chainsaw in the other hand.

"Put your fucking weapon down." I ordered as he turned around and raised an eyebrow at me. He got off the bed and started walking towards me casually starting his chainsaw and grinning.


I shot 2 bullets but that didn't stop him coming towards me, Chaz ran down the stairs quickly as I followed him whilst breathing heavily.

"Don't ever tell me what to do kid." He ordered as I ran outside with Chaz.

"Dude, we're meant to look for Sally." Chaz said.

"Do you want to die today?" I asked sarcastically.

"No but Justin said-"

"- I don't care.. I won't loose my life because he told me to look for his pretend daughter and girlfriend." I cut him off. My heart hurt when I said 'girlfriend'. I can't believe I let her slip from my fingers again. I'll get you back YN, once and for all.

Fredo's P.O.V

I heard shooting upstairs then running. The boys and I assumed it was Ryan and Chaz running from Michael. The 2 pussies, why did Justin pair them up? At this rate they'll never find Sally.

"Okay, Wayne and twist, y'all go and get Michael, I'll look for Sally." I ordered and they nodded and left with their guns pointing forwards as they remained in position, protecting one another.

I chuckled and straddled through the hallway, banging down the next set of doors, searching for Sally. My gun was fully loaded as I rushed through rooms carefully keeping my aim. Searching each and every room, I still haven't come to a conclusion that Sally was no where to be found.

I came to the last door and opened it with a lot of hope and in one corner of the room, I found her, Sally. Her hair was tied to the bed frame and she had cloths stuck in her mouth as her arms and legs were tied together. I gasped as I noticed the dry tears on her face, and red marks suggesting that she was slapped several times. My blood boiled as I struggled to untie her, once I succeeded she jumped into my arms and cried.


"It's okay Sally.. Let's get you somewhere safe." I picked her up as I still held the gun in perfect aim.

"Is mommy alright?"

I looked at her confused.


"Oh, I dunno., I dunno if Justin found her yet."

Justin's P.O.V

"I fucking told you to stay away YN."

"I'm so so sorry Justin." She managed to say as her eyes were slowly shutting. I shook her but nothing happened.

"YN! STAY WITH ME PLEASE! OH YN! NO! DONT DO THIS TO ME!" I cried as I hugged her and cradled her in my arms. I rocked her in my arms as I cried. Then I heard footsteps behind me and a gun drop. I stood up holding up the gun with a blurry vision.

"You're a dead man Michael. I don't give a shit. You're going down." I shouted at the top of my lungs.

No reply but shuffling in the distance.

"I'll fucking kill you Michael."

"Not if I kill you first."


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