Wrong Way

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Wrong Way

(YN 's P.O.V)

And then she walked in.

"Hey Bieber." She smirked. I swear I will slap her, what the hell is she doing here?

"Miley." He nodded and stood protective of me, I mean I didn't need it but I'm happy he did because she didn't notice me.

"Remember when I said it's not over?"

He nodded cautiously.

"Well I'm back."

"Miley please, I really don-"

In half a second Justin was knocked out, and flat on the floor. I gasped as I hid behind the curtain trying to hold back my emotions.

"Hahaha. What was that Bieber? You don't what? Well I guess you can't tell me now since you've been knocked out!" Then she burst out laughing. How stupid. Why is she talking to herself. I acknowledge that she doesn't know I'm here. Right?

"And as for you YN. I wasn't born yesterday , I know you're in here somewhere. BITCH." She shouted. My temper was rising. How the fuck is she calling me a bitch after she's one?

I eyed the vase of flowers next to me, as I slowly and carefully reached out to it, trying to not make much noise. As soon as I grabbed it, I dodged the curtain that was standing before me and threw the vase at her; aiming straight in the forehead.

"It's not nice to talk about yourself like that doll." And I spat on her. She opened her eyes and acknowledged my existence. Her eyes widened as she threw herself at me.

"You son of a-" she grabbed my hair and tugged at it making me scream and it brought tears to my eyes. I scratched her face with my nails as she let go and gasped.

"What the fuck was that for?!" She questioned.

"Oh don't be pathetic." I answered angrily as I fixed my hair.

"I have a fucking performance tomorrow you stupid fucker!" She screamed at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed casually, she clenched her jaw and tightened her fists and stormed out whilst shouting.

"This isn't over!!"

"Is for me motherfucker! BYEEEE" I responded as I shut the door.

I turned and looked at Justin, my pulse was stronger and my heart was beating faster and it was still increasing. He was on the floor, one arm on the floor and the other was resting on his stomach. His nose was full of blood and his eyes were shut. I wouldn't dare approach him as my heart was broken, instead I chose to write a note.
It read,


In case you didn't know what happened or can't remember you were knocked out by Miley which is kind of embarrassing but that's not my point. I've left my house and went to live with my mom, I want to see if Sally's parents have come to claim her. This is my goodbye as I'm gonna focus on my career. I've had enough of your weird changes and I think we should take a break. Control your hormones please. So I guess this is it, I still love you with all my heart but I've got to let go. And trust me, tears are pouring down my cheeks as I'm writing this but I've got to go. I ❤️ you.

Love YN. x


I wiped my tears and kissed Justin's forehead. I left the note on the bed so it was noticeable. I brought out a suitcase, threw some clothes in and got ready. I had a quick shower and French plaited my hair in two. I threw on a blue hoodie, a pair of grey jeans, my ray bans and my white converse with frilly black socks. I looked cute haha. I grabbed my suitcase, obtained my car keys and rushed out the door. This is gonna be a sad ride.

I couldn't take my sorrow anymore, so I turned on the radio. And guess what bloody came on?! Justin Bieber - Heartbreaker

Literally. -.-

I cried even more as I sang along...

"Don't tell me you're my heartttt breaker..." 💔 (this song still gets to me 😩)


I finally reached my moms house as I unloaded my Range Rover. I knocked on the door to find a little blonde girl open it.

"YN???" She jumped into my arms and started crying as I hugged her tightly and giggled.

" I missed you so much." I held her as I put my suitcase down and shut the door behind me.

Then I saw her. I put down Sally and rushed into my mothers arms.. Now I started crying.

"Mooooommyyyyyyy!!!" I screamed.

"Babyyyy" she laughed as I hugged her. Then a man in suit trousers and a shirt stood behind her.

"Mom? Who's this?" I questioned her.

She glared at me and turned.

"Honey, this is Tom... He's my.. Erm..."

"Boyfriend?" I laughed.

She didn't join in, that's when I realised that she wasn't joking.

"MOM WHAT?! You want your heart broken again?" She gawked at me and sent me upstairs.

I heard her apologising to Tom on my behalf but still.. How could she have a boyfriend.. And not tell me?


"Yeah Sally?"

"Where's Justin?"

"Erm... Sally.. You see?... Some people.. Don't stay together.."

"So you broke up?" She pouted as I nodded and bit my bottom lip.

"Oh don't be sad.. You have me! I'm a big girl now! I'm seven!!"

"Oooooooohhh! I need to get you a present! When was your birthday?"

"December 2nd."

"How about we go out for dinner ey? Just the two of us?"

"YAAAAY!" She cheered. She's so cute.

I snapped a picture and tagged it with #reunited ❤️

"Okay, let's get you ready!"

"Can I have my hair like yours?"

I smiled and nodded.

"You can have anything you want."


I dressed her in a pretty pink dress and tied black bows at the ends of her French plaits. She was so pretty.

I got dressed in a black dress and white sandal heels. I let out my hair so it was now curly and added some dark pink lipgloss.

I snapped a selfie and tagged it with.

"Already better."

And the next of Sally, captioning;

"My girl, growing so fast."

And stupid people then commented,

"Didn't know you and Justin had a baby"

Listen here you little shit...

I'm kidding lool , I ain't a bitch, well at least I don't think it, haha..

I replied, "she isn't ours lol."

And then they went completely crazy, literally writing everywhere that I replied to her.

Aww ❤️

Then we went out..

--- at the restaurant

We were sat near a tv, which was good because Sally was watching her favourite show, 'the muppets'

But then it happened.

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Long chapter haha.. Got so many ideas!!!

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