Choices - Part 2

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Choices Part 2


Justin's P.O.V

I looked at her pretty eyes and bit my lower lip trying to beg for an answer. Instead, she looked down and smiled weakly.


"Baby please." I begged and pouted.
Her eyes started watering before me as I pushed her hair behind her ear.
"Remember when I used to say wipe your pretty eyes, and dry them on my shoulder?" I said.
She peered into my eyes and nodded.
"I meant it. Open up to me.."
She sighed and hugged me tight, wrapping her arms around my torso as I placed my chin on her head.
"I messed up. Big time. But I was pissed off and jealous. I do some pretty crazy shit when I'm experiencing envy. Feeling as if I could kill him."
She sniffled a bit but then her melodic but shaky voice spoke to me.
"I'm sorry. It's my fault."
I shushed her and ran my fingers through her hair. Picking her up and carrying her up the stairs to her bedroom, I placed her on the bed cautiously but her eyes were still spilling tears. I wiped them away and held her head against my chest.
"Don't let me go."
He whispered quietly warming my heart. I smiled in the dark and rubbed her back gently.
"I never will."

The door slammed suddenly as there were many voices down stairs. Echoes everywhere as different tones scattered across the room, killing the still atmosphere. I held YN close as I locked the door to her room, only to hear a really unfamiliar voice sound in the room.

"He's up there" they said.

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Sorry this is so short, I'm on holiday and at a sleepover so I didn't have time at all. And I would have updated earlier but I was at my godmother's house, and now I'm sleeping over at someone's house. I'll make it up to you guys! I promise !

Kisses xx

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