You & Me

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You & Me

Justin's P.O.V

Me and YN climbed into the back of the van to find.......

"Miley?!" My eyes widened as I spoke her name. She grinned as she stood up.
"Didn't think you'd get away that easily Bieber. And you. You dirty little brat."
I saw YN gulp through the corner of my eye. I stood by her and wrapped my arm around her waist making sure she can feel the security. She smiled and looked down. Miley immediately grabbed her head and pulled it right next to hers.
"Listen.. I don't care how much you love him.. But it's the end for both of you."
Then she looked at me and stuck her tongue out. I flicked her off and made sure YN was okay.
"Justin what are we going to do?" YN asked.
"As long as we have each other, nothing else matters."
I smiled at her and she smiled back, I kissed her soft lips and laughed in between kisses.

"Oh GET A FUCKING ROOM." Miley scoffed.
"We would have been in a room if you didn't drag us here." I corrected her. She stood up again and walked towards me pointing a finger.
"Don't answer me back. Got it Bieber?"
She smirked once more before turning around.

-45 mins-

YN's P.O.V

Justin was sleeping on my lap as I eyed Miley sharpening a piece of wood with a knife. She caught me staring so she laughed.
"Looks like we've arrived. Or should I say, you've arrived." She looked at me through the fallen darkness, I broke the glance and tried waking Justin.

"Babe? Time to get up." I whispered.
He moaned quietly and opened his eyes as he stretched out. He turned his head to Miley and huffed.
"Get out! Both of you!" She wailed, as she booted the back door of the van open. Justin weakly stood up and helped me out the van. We froze and scanned the surrounding area.
"Let's see how you survive this." She laughed. She threw 2 bags at us just for being generous. Then suddenly, the van left us, stranded and abandoned.

I turned to Justin and hugged him, he was still topless.
"Babe, see what's in the bag, maybe there's something in there that you can wrap around yourself."

He obeyed and opened the bag to find a jumper that belonged to him.
"How did she get that?" I questioned.
"I don't even know." He stared awkwardly.

Shuffling in the bushes echoed the forest, I bit my lip and stayed close to Justin.

"Babe.. Do you hear what I hear?"

I nodded and started breathing heavily. We threw the bags over our shoulders and ran. My heart was beating like a bass drum, there was no turning back now. I clutched onto the bag tightly not letting it escape my hands. My legs began to ache and I was dizzy. I saw a lake. The continuous rhythm I ran in triggered more and more movement, I stopped and turned.

Where is Justin?


What happened?

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