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(Y/N's) P.O.V

Justin stood beside my bed, watching me from above. His expression was dull but it scared me. He had blood on his hands and clothes.

"Say you love me YN." He whispered with his hands behind his back, edging closer to the bed.

"Get AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" I cried as I hugged a pillow to my chest.

"Say you fucking love me." He raised his tone, trying to intimidate me.

"I can't." I insisted. Trying to avoid the eye contact. I was pouring tears now, defending myself and crowding into a corner, hiding my body with my pillow.

He comes towards me and grabs me by the hair, pulling me up by it. I squeal and cry louder as I feel some strands ripping apart. He gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw as he pulled me up by the hair at his facial level. He narrowed his eyes at me and repeated his words.

"Tell me you fucking love me."


No words could come out my mouth, I was entirely shocked at the way he just changed from a completely different person. I sniffled and looked into his eyes, acknowledging their beauty but their evil side that Justin was showing right now. His pupils grew larger as his face softened. He pulled me closer into his warm chest. I pushed him off and held onto my right arm.

"Baby. I'm so sorry."

He quickly got up and tried coming towards me.

"Get away from me. Leave me alone."

"Babe don't do this."

I really don't understand him. He changed from evil to cute and loving all of a sudden.


I ordered but he wouldn't listen.

"I can't. I've done you wrong."

"FUCK OFF JUSTIN." I screamed as I chucked my pillow at him and descended on the bed in tears.

He immediately came and sat beside me rubbing my back.

"Baby you have no idea how stupid I feel."

"You should. You change like the seasons Justin. When am I gonna see the real you? The one I fell in love with."

Justin's P.O.V

Something immediately clicked.

"I still believe he's here."

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my chest to show her my heart beating.

"If he's in there, prove it."

Then suddenly....

The door burst open.

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