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YN's P.O.V

Surrounding me, a dark atmosphere filled with fire light and faint music played by the orchestra.

A beautiful but sad serenade performed by a group of violins almost brought tears to my eyes.

We were out in a park.. I could still see trees in the distance but they were blurred out by a massive screen placed in the middle of the circle of fire. Justin's arms folded around me as he placed his chin on my shoulder. No one spoke.

Then.. A few fireworks sounded as the fire immediately increased in size. The screen turned on as a video played of me and Justin.

It started with a slideshow of pictures from when we were children as a beautiful song played inthe background. (Amazed - by lonestar)

I laughed at our silly faces and the memories that each and every picture held. It was amazing; our little journey. Full of happiness and joy. The video ended with Justin in a spotlight making aspeech.

"YN; this may seem cheesy... But you are my world. All the times I messed up.. I ran back to you because I can't imagine my life without you. You're amazing. Your loving eyes.. Perfect smile..You're kindhearted and everything I could wish for in a girl.. Baby you complete me. You're my happiness and I wouldn't wish for anything more than to live my entire life with you. I have 4 words.... Justin., you know what to do.."

Then the screen blacked out. Then I turned around and noticed Justin down on one knee with another engagement ring.

"Will you marry me?"

After his words a show of fireworks started and in silver the dark sky filled with the words "YN please marry me"

I exploded in tears of joy as I screamed "yes!!"

"It's official babe.. Now the whole world will know!"

And I didn't mind. The only thing that mattered was Justin. We sealed it with a passionate kiss.

Moments of happiness passed and I heard screaming and shouting behind me as I turned around and noticed my whole family and friends running towards us. Justin always goes big with his events. He's very creative. I was excited as I hugged my mother and father.

"So I just want to announce that our wedding will be held in Hawaii!" Justin assured the crowd.

My mom instantly turned to me and said.

"Honey.. I'm afraid I can't afford that.." She looked heartbroken and so did most of the crowd.

"Guys the trip is free..Justin and I payed for your flights!" I announced.

Relief filled the atmosphere and everyone looked happier. My dad smiled at me and brought me into his chest giving me a pat on the back.

"You've become a beautiful woman YN, you deserve the best in the world... And I think Justin can provide that for you."

I giggled.

"Thanks dad but save the speech for later.."

"I love you baby girl."

Everyone around us was happy.. Consuming champagne as the orchestra recited a few slow songs.

My mom and dad looked like they finally started to get along. It was great. I can't wait for my big day, I'm excited.

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Wedding chapter next. :) anyone have any suggestions or inputs? I'm happy to take any opinions under consideration!

+ please don't only comment "please update" can you leave any opinions on the chapter.. Improvements and any feedback?

++ hope you're enjoying this book as much as I am.. Sadly it's gonna come to an end soon.. In a few chapters, possibly after this wedding chapter.. However, there will be another book called "Rose Petals" which is book 2 of the One Last Rose trilogy. :) good news if you're a fan ey?

Love you guys! Please share this story and I hope we can get it to 1 million reads before it finishes.

Thanks for sharing this journey with me:)

Love you all..

-Adelina (LinaAdelina) xo

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