Baby come back

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Baby come back

Justin's P.O.V

Eyeing the clock repeatedly, I feel a form of suspense building in my stomach. I was sitting by YN, watching her sleep peacefully. Miley said she was on her way to find me but how will she react? I kissed YN's forehead carefully so she wouldn't wake up. I missed her. What in the world made me break up with her? I'm so stupid.

My phone vibrated so I quickly ran out the hospital room. Miley it read. I answered.


"Why are you inside a hospital?"

"Um no reason."


"Look, the truth is I only went out with you to get my mind off YN. I was in a time and a place where I was so confused with myself and you dragged me deeper. I was in depression and was afraid to be alone." I exhaled and heard a weak sob. I felt bad. REALLY BAD.

"Miles?" I questioned to see if she was ok.

"Don't bother. I thought you were real Justin. Weren't you the one that said that you'd never mess with a girls heart?"

"Miley pl-"

"I was in depression too. Don't you remember? Liam left me all alone but I moved on." She interrupted.

"Yes but I am not you. Once I have my heart set on something I fight for it. Even if I let it slip sometimes and say the most shit and act like I couldn't care less, it hurts. But I felt that you could turn that around for me and help get me over the shit I was going through. But I still had YN on my mind. And nothing can now change that."

There was an awkward pause. I felt so relieved to have blurted it all out but something tells me that it wasn't the right time.

"I hate you." She said angrily before she hung up.

I sighed at the thought of it. Did I use her? She was one of my best friends. Why do I always ruin stuff?!

I entered the hospital room where my princess lay, her eyes were open, and they spoke to me. They were still upset and tormented.

"Hey! Morning sunshine even though it's like 9 o'clock pm." I giggled.

"What are you still doing here Justin??"

"I made a promise that I won't leave you, so I never will." She smiled at me but then her eyes were watering. She looked at the wall then at her fingers.

"Do you still care?" I questioned her. I was upset that she didn't show any affection.

"Of course I do Justin."

"Then why do you always blank me and reject my apologies?" My heart hurt.

"I don't reject them. I take them to heart but it will take more than an apology to win back my trust."

" of course, your wish is my command."

I took her hand and kissed it then I looked in her eyes, they were filled with tears. I brought her hand to my chest making her feel my heartbeat.

"You feel this?"

She nodded.

"It only beats for you."

She blushed. Her rosy cheeks were so cute, and she finally had a real smile on her face. I smiled back and planted a kiss on her cheek. Her dimples were showing.

"I hope you don't break my heart again."

"I promise...and this will show you that I mean it."

I pulled out .....//////


This chapter is boring but I had to get YN back together with Justin for the next couple of chapters.
What could Justin do to symbolise his love for YN? And what did he pull out?
Find out soon.

AND THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 130 Reads! I am so thankful. I hope you all enjoy reading this as this story has a lot of meaning behind it! I love you all!

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